Common utilities for renga services
A scala library for HATEOAS Mason format based on play-json
Jest scala wrapper for 100% more fun!
A genomics processing engine and specialized file format built using Apache Avro, Apache Spark and Parquet. Apache 2 licensed.
scala naturalsort algorithm
An Ergo-Appkit based library providing an abstraction layer to easily interact with AVL Trees as an L2 Solution
A basic collection of patterns and utilities for Scala
Toy implementation of a Gopher browser in Scala
monix utilities on top of the scala mongo driver, offering collection tailing, etc
Pretty reports for selenium
sbt firebase firebase-hosting
Measure backpressure in reactive streams pipelines
Scala library to easily and efficiently process XML elements one by one.
ABAC library for Scala with Cats
A very simple scala db for storing case classes and collections of case classes, backed by a json file.