andimiller / hedgehogs   0.4.2

MIT License GitHub

A graph traversal library for cyclic graphs with weighted edges

Scala versions: 3.x 2.13
Scala.js versions: 1.x


A generic Graph library for Scala.

Scala Versions: 2.13, 3 Scala Targets: JVM, JS



  • Models a graph with directed edges
  • inbound and outbound methods for any node

DataGraph[Id, NodeData, EdgeData]

  • Models a graph with directed edges, and can hold data in the nodes and edges
  • inbound and outbound methods for any node


  • Supports routefinding across any SimpleGraph or DataGraph
  • Supports finding multiple routes at once with multi variant


  • validate - check if any SimpleGraph or DataGraph is a Directed Acyclic Graph, flags any nodes with cycles
  • isDag - checks if a graph is a DAG, returns a Boolean


  • countDisconnectedSubgraphs - checks how many disconnected subgraphs are in a graph



  • Can render any DataGraph which is a DAG into a mermaid graph

Dag Visitor

DagVisitor[F[_], Id, InputNodeData, OutputNodeData, EdgeData]

  • Interface which can be implemented to describe how to run a DataGraph


  • Runs a DagVisitor against a compatible DataGraph
  • Runs concurrently, starts nodes as soon as they can be run
  • Can run different RunModes, indicating the direction edges run
    • Flow will make A->B run A then B, this is the default
    • Dependency will make A->B run B then A