
A library for deriving a play-json formatter for a JSON-encoded tagged union.

The library is designed as a dependency for API Platform services and is subject to significant change without notice.

Adding to your build

In your SBT build add:

libraryDependencies += "" %% "play-json-union-formatter" % "x.x.x"

If your microservice is using Play 2.5, use version 1.7.0 or older. Versions > 1.7.0 only support Play 2.6 and above. Versions > 1.15 support 2.8 and above.

1.15 and earlier support scala 2.12 1.16 supports Scala 2.13 1.17 and above are cross compiled for scala 2.12 and 2.13


In a given JSON payload, you may want to capture a field or array that contains a set of hetrogeneous types.

You might have created an object recognition system that recognises two types of object - a car and a pet:

  "matchType": "car",
  "fuelType": "petrol"
  "matchType": "pet",
  "species": "cat"

The natural way to represent this in scala is:

sealed trait Match

case class Pet(species: String) extends Match
case class Car(fuelType: String) extends Match

play-json-union-formatter provides a way to derive a play formatter (compatible with play 2.3.x) for the above.

import play.api.libs.json.Json

object Match { 
  implicit val formatPet = Json.format[Pet]
  implicit val formatCar = Json.format[Car]
  implicit val format = Union.from[Match](typeField = "matchType")
    .and[Pet](typeTag = "pet")
    .and[Car](typeTag = "car")


This code is open source software licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.