Define multiple sbt sub-projects which share sources, resources and jars
DEPRECATED - See for something far better.
Parse ASCII art diagrams of graphs (nodes and edges)
Please use scalate/sbt-scalate-precompiler instead
Client library for keratin/authn-server
Turn your markdown docs into test suites running Scala CLI
Client side load balancer for Play 2 WS module based on Netflix' Ribbon
Base layer of utilities for my Scala projects.
Velocypack for Scala
Facade for react-beautiful-dnd in scalajs-react.
TimeZone database parser in Scala
Embedded InfluxDB for testing
Streams of Independent Constant Keys
Rust style Result type for Scala
Apache Tomcat backend for http4s
non-official extension library for akka-stream that contains operations like zipWithIndex, Source.fromTry and so on