To use sbt-davenverse in an existing SBT project with Scala 2.11 or a later version, add the following dependencies to your
depending on your needs:
addSbtPlugin("io.chrisdavenport" % "sbt-davenverse" % "<version>")
A basic setup for a page with a website like these other website might look like the following
ThisBuild / crossScalaVersions := Seq("2.12.13", "2.13.5")
lazy val `my-cool-project` ="."))
lazy val core ="core"))
.settings(name := "my-cool-project")
lazy val site ="site"))
micrositeDescription := "My Cool Project Does Stuff" // Override so your site has cool stuff on it.
// Site directory should put md files in /site/docs
// The gemfile provided in the included site directory should be up to date for it.
// Override organization in your build
ThisBuild / organization := "io.chrisdavenport",
// Override developers in your build
ThisBuild / developers := List(
Developer("ChristopherDavenport", "Christopher Davenport", "[email protected]", url(""))
// Override licenses in your build
ThisBuild / licenses := Seq("MIT" -> url("")),
Meanwhile on the other side of the coin if you don't want a microsite, then you might make something more minimal, in which case you don't need to add anymore settings to get full ci-testing, and the expected configurations in place.
name := "minimal-example"
// Override organization in your build
ThisBuild / organization := "io.chrisdavenport",
// Override developers in your build
ThisBuild / developers := List(
Developer("ChristopherDavenport", "Christopher Davenport", "[email protected]", url(""))
// Override licenses in your build
ThisBuild / licenses := Seq("MIT" -> url("")),
The setting keys that this makes available are
- automatically picked up from git, but can be provideddavenverseGithubRepoName
- automatically picked up from git, but can be provided
In the site plugin
- This is the site scala version that is used to derive the condition for the microsite. Which is the highest version of scala 2 supported ideally.davenverseSiteConditional
- This is used for the site conditions, may be necessary checking to change to add features for unconsidered conditionals for this plugin yet.