Functional UUID's for Scala
A CSV Handling Library for FP.
Caches are tricky - Let Mules Haul its Weight.
An Afterthought of Prometheus
Cats Instances For Scalacheck
REmote DIctionary Client, that's hysterical.
CircuitBreaker is used to provide stability and prevent cascading failures in distributed systems.
Ref Optimized Around Maps
Distributed Concurrent State Machines with Rediculous/Redis
Github Integration for Scala
Scala Library for transforming subsets of values within a functor.
Add Support For Testing with TestContainers with Specs2
Java Time For Cats-Effect
Probabilistic Data Structures
For Publishing ScalaJS Package to npm
A Docker client that hopefully won't be a pain in the butt.
Http4s Caching Implementation
Keyed Semaphore Implementation