microsoft/synapseml 1.0.10
Simple and Distributed Machine Learning
Scala versions: 2.12 -
salesforce/transmogrifai 0.7.0
TransmogrifAI (pronounced trăns-mŏgˈrə-fī) is an AutoML library for building modular, reusable, strongly typed machine learning workflows on Apache Spark with minimal hand-tuning
Scala versions: 2.11 -
databrickslabs/automl-toolkit 0.7.2
Toolkit for Apache Spark ML for Feature clean-up, feature Importance calculation suite, Information Gain selection, Distributed SMOTE, Model selection and training, Hyper parameter optimization and selection, Model interprability.
Scala versions: 2.11 -
ianshiundu/openai-zio 0.1.0
A ZIO API Client for Open AI's API
Scala versions: 2.13 2.12 -
liquidsvm/liquidsvm 0.6.0
Support vector machines (SVMs) and related kernel-based learning algorithms are a well-known class of machine learning algorithms, for non-parametric classification and regression. liquidSVM is an implementation of SVMs whose key features are: fully integrated hyper-parameter selection, extreme speed on both small and large data sets, full flexibility for experts, and inclusion of a variety of different learning scenarios: multi-class classification, ROC, and Neyman-Pearson learning, and least-squares, quantile, and expectile regression.
Scala versions: 2.11 -
deepjavalibrary/djl 0.32.0
An Engine-Agnostic Deep Learning Framework in Java
Scala versions: 2.12 -
chitralverma/sparkml-extensions 0.1
Scala versions: 2.11 -
mlflow/mlflow 2.21.2
Open source platform for the machine learning lifecycle
Scala versions: 2.13 2.12