http4s/http4s 0.23.30
A minimal, idiomatic Scala interface for HTTP
Scala versions: 3.x 2.13 2.12Scala.js versions: 1.xScala Native versions: 0.4 -
softwaremill/sttp 3.10.3
The Scala HTTP client you always wanted!
Scala versions: 3.x 2.13 2.12Scala.js versions: 1.xScala Native versions: 0.5 -
softwaremill/tapir 1.11.20
Rapid development of self-documenting APIs
Scala versions: 3.x 2.13 2.12Scala.js versions: 1.xScala Native versions: 0.5sbt plugins: 1.x -
akka/akka-http 10.5.3
The Streaming-first HTTP server/module of Akka
Scala versions: 3.x 2.13 2.12 -
paypal/squbs 0.15.0
Akka Streams & Akka HTTP for Large-Scale Production Deployments
Scala versions: 2.13 2.12 -
zio/zio-http 3.2.0
A next-generation Scala framework for building scalable, correct, and efficient HTTP clients and servers
Scala versions: 3.x 2.13 2.12Scala.js versions: 1.x -
skinny-framework/skinny-framework 4.0.1
:monorail: "Scala on Rails" - A full-stack web app framework for rapid development in Scala
Scala versions: 2.13 -
dispatch/reboot 2.0.0
Scala wrapper for the Java AsyncHttpClient.
Scala versions: 3.x 2.13 -
playframework/play-ws 3.0.7
Standalone Play WS, an async HTTP client with fluent API
Scala versions: 3.x 2.13 -
apache/pekko-http 1.1.0
The Streaming-first HTTP server/module of Apache Pekko
Scala versions: 3.x 2.13 2.12 -
spinoco/fs2-http 0.4.1
Http Server and client using fs2
Scala versions: 2.12 2.11 -
ollls/zio-tls-http 2.0.1
100% non-blocking, Java NIO only( inspired by zio-nio) , JSON HTTP server based on Scala ZIO library. Everything including TLS encryption modeled as ZIO effects, convenient route DSL similar to https4s, up to 30K TPS local JSON transaction with 25 threads on 6 cores(i7) with ZIO fibers.
Scala versions: 3.x -
xuwei-k/httpz 0.8.0
purely functional http client with scalaz.Free
Scala versions: 3.x 2.13 2.12 -
http4s/http4s-dom 0.2.11
http4s, in a browser near you
Scala versions: 3.x 2.13 2.12Scala.js versions: 1.x -
sungiant/zenith 0.4.5
:zap: Functional Scala HTTP server, client, and toolkit.
Scala versions: 2.12 2.11 -
aliics/mouse 0.6.1
Small, simple, minimal HTTP library written in Scala.
Scala versions: 3.x -
f100ded/play-fake-ws-standalone 1.1.0
Mock Standalone WS for Play 2.6
Scala versions: 2.12 2.11 -
taintech/bittrex-scala-client 0.2
Fast, stable, boilerplate-free, simple Bittrex REST API Scala client implementation.
Scala versions: 2.12