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Apache License 2.0 Website GitHub

Akka Streams & Akka HTTP for Large-Scale Production Deployments

Scala versions: 2.13 2.12


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squbs (pronounced "skewbs") is a suite of components enabling standardization and operationalization of Pekko and Pekko HTTP applications/services in a large scale, managed, cloud environment. It standardizes how Pekko applications are deployed in different environments and how they are hooked up to the operational environments of large, internet-scale organizations.


Documentation Status

Getting Started

The easiest way to getting started is to create a project from one of the squbs templates. The followings are currently available giter8 templates:

Contributing to squbs

Thank you very much for contributing to squbs. Please read the contribution guidelines for the process.


squbs is licensed under the Apache License, v2.0