Some sbt utilities common to ossuminc projects
Create easily your Golem workers from Scala
For contextual security in Scala
http4s middleware for HTTP SPNEGO Authentication
Shorthand SQL/JDBC wrapper language, providing nested results as JSON and more
Non-blocking Database Connectivity (NDBC)
Data-processing manifest implementation inspired by event sourcing
Omniauth for Lift
A tiny Scala template engine
Idiomatic Scala Driver for ArangoDB
A collection of services and serialization utilities for utilizing Kafka in a Play Framework environment.
pekko-http thrift and json marshalling/unmarshalling for Thrift structs
A sbt plugin to provide curried function to filter test marked with specific annotations and fork them
API wrappers and utils for using the Clulab NLP Processors and Odinson Engine
Scala DSL for MongoDB
Virtual File Framework inspired by FlySystem
Utility for creating dummy data for Scala tests