kaizen-solutions / zio-newrelic-events   0.0.1

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Send New Relic Events & Incidents in a ZIO-friendly way

Scala versions: 3.x 2.13

New Relic Events For ZIO

Maven Central Version Continuous Integration

This library allows you to send custom events to New Relic utilizing ZIO.


Add the following to your build.sbt:

libraryDependencies += "io.kaizen-solutions" %% "zio-newrelic-events" % "<see badge for latest version>"


In order to use the library, you need to access the NewRelicEventApi which is provided by the NewRelicEventApi.live layer and its variants. You can use NewRelicEventApi#sendEvent(...) or NewRelicEventApi#sendIncident(...) to send events to New Relic. However, we recommend using aspects to send events & incidents instead as they provide better ergonomics in you ZIO workflows. See an example below.


import zio.*
import io.kaizensolutions.event.logger.*

object Example extends ZIOAppDefault {
  val run: ZIO[Any, Any, Any] = {
    val program: RIO[NewRelicEventApi, Unit] =
      for {
        nr <- ZIO.service[NewRelicEventApi]
        value <- Random.nextInt
        _ <- Console.printLine("Hello") @@ nr.event(
          "int" := value,
          "string" := s"Hello$value"
      } yield ()

        ZLayer.succeed( // pull from config
            new ServiceName("example-event-logger"),
            new AccountId("<YourAccountIdHere>"),
            new NewRelicIngestLicenseKey("<YourKeyHere>")

See the tests folder for another example that also uses aspects for incidents.


This library uses a sliding queue to batch events and send them to New Relic in a single request. This is done to reduce the number of requests made to the New Relic API. Retries are also handled in the case of a failure and policies are configurable.

Additional information

This service spins up a metric new_relic_{YOUR_SERVICE_NAME}_event_logger_queue_size that can be used to monitor the size of the Queue.