A high performance replicated log service. (The development is moved to Apache Incubator)
A scala DSL to generate JSON schema and swagger documentation for your web services.
A type-safe Cypher Query Language DSL for Scala.
sparkml extend library implements calculation algorithm
AMQP data source for dstream (Spark Streaming)
Jerkson compiled for Scala 2.10
An Engine-Agnostic Deep Learning Framework in Java
Sample project for maven publish
Scala library providing "source" metadata to your program, similar to Python's __name__, C++'s __LINE__ or Ruby's __FILE__.
[MOVED] Synchronisation of files with the cloud using the hash of the file contents
PlayFramework 2.x module to provide an asset pipeline (optimize, bundle, and/or fingerprint assets such as CSS, JavaScript, and more)
BibTeX tools in Scala
Best Practices on Recommendation Systems
A StringTemplate4 Akka Streams source producing template driven test data
macro-compat is a small library which allows you to compile macros with Scala 2.10.x which are written to the Scala 2.11/2.12/2.13 macro API.
Library for http-based ConnId connectors