zella / rx-process2   0.1.0-BETA

MIT License GitHub

rx-java2 wrapper for subprocess execution - Support java.lang.Process and com.zaxxer.nuprocess.NuProcess

Scala versions: 2.12

Rx-java2 wrapper for subprocess execution - Support java.lang.Process and com.zaxxer.nuprocess.NuProcess.


Add dependency:


Build process:

ProcessBuilder jBuilder = ...; //or NuProcessBuilder, NuProcess 

IReactiveProcessBuilder<Process> builder = RxProcess.reactive(jBuilder);

Here multiple variants of process execution:

Observable<ProcessChunk> stdOutErr = builder.asStdErrOut();

Observable<byte[]> stdout = builder.asStdOut();

Single<byte[]> stdoutSingle = builder.asStdOutSingle();

Single<Exit> waitExit = builder.asWaitDone();

//suports stdin as single portion of bytes
builder.withStdin("hello worlds".getBytes())

Bidirectional communication

IReactiveProcess<Process> bi = builder.biDirectional();

Single<Process> started = bi.started();
Subscriber<byte[]> stdin = bi.stdIn();
Observable<byte[]> stdoutBi = bi.stdOut();
Observable<ProcessChunk> stdoutErrBi = bi.stdOutErr();
//Cold subscription, start the process
Single<Exit> waitExitBi = bi.waitDone();
//write to stdin