A testing tool for Scala and Spark developers
A library for capturing, crafting, and sending packets with fs2 using pcap4j
Scala compiler plugin that finds / discovers all classes having a specific annotations and push them in a registry
Modified Spark code for SmartDataLakeBuilder
Node.js facade for Scala.js
Cosmos Access Api
a small embeddable database engine for the JVM for storing documents (i.e. JSON objects)
Facade Types for Three.js for use in Scala.js
Experimental plugin for sbt to create Azure Function artefacts (function.json) needed to publish code as an Azure Function.
Cats instances for ScalaCheck data types
SBT plugin to enable using MUnit to test your SBT plugins
A simle, typesafe command library for Minecraft (and other)
Utils for scala
A thin wrapper for the snyk CLI that better supports multi-project sbt builds
A Scala library for anonymizing case classes
Make your project more expressive when it fails to compile
An sbt plugin for interacting with AWS Elastic Beanstalk