9 results
typelevel/discipline 0.11.1
Flexible law checking for Scala
Scala versions: 2.12 2.11Scala.js versions: 0.6 -
scalaprops/scalaprops 0.9.1
property based testing library for Scala
Scala versions: 3.x 2.13 2.12 2.11Scala.js versions: 1.xScala Native versions: 0.5 0.4 -
japgolly/nyaya 1.1.0
Random Data Generation and/or Property Testing in Scala & Scala.JS.
Scala versions: 3.x 2.13Scala.js versions: 1.x -
yoohaemin/decrel 0.1.0-M8
Composable relations for Scala
Scala versions: 3.x 2.13Scala.js versions: 1.x -
sageserpent-open/americium 1.19.7
Generation of test case data for Scala and Java, in the spirit of QuickCheck. When your test fails, it gives you a minimised failing test case and a way of reproducing the failure immediately.
Scala versions: 3.x 2.13 -
chocpanda/scalacheck-magnolia 0.6.0
Scalacheck Arbitrary type class derivation using magnolia
Scala versions: 2.13 2.12 -
akiomik/scalatest-csv-table 1.2.2
A scalatest helper for table driven testing with csv.
Scala versions: 2.13 2.12 -
snowplow-archive/scalacheck-schema 0.2.1
ScalaCheck generators for various Iglu-compatible schema formats
Scala versions: 2.12 -
imrafaelmerino/jio 0.2
Jio is a powerful Java library designed to simplify and enhance input/output operations by leveraging the power of expressions and functions