Scala.js static typed facades for Highcharts library
Nifi Processors for ingesting and converting geo data using GeoMesa and GeoTools
Useful utilities for BAR projects
A Scala interface to the Java StringTemplate library
Command line parsing library using Free Applicative
actor based framework for building event driven, distributed simulations
http4s, in a browser near you
An SMT Solver for string constraints
Scalac plugin to detect classpath entries that aren't directly used
SBT plugin for Google Cloud Storage (GCS) and Google Artifact Registry with Coursier support
Logging backend for Akka based on Log4j
akka-http interop for ZIO
A collection of utilities for Scala/Java developers who are targeting Persian (Farsi) speaking users.
Export the classpath for Ammonite and Almond
An sbt plugin for adding sounds to task completions
a Scala/sbt AWS Lambda Toolkit