WSDL2Avro is a Scala library that lets you convert datatypes from a SOAP WSDL to Avro Schemas.
Mosaico is an SBT-based build kit for cloud deployments.
In-memory Journal and Snapshot implementations designed so they can also be shared between nodes in multi-jvm tests.
An ElasticSearch extension for Akka
Provides means to configure scaladoc settings for sbt
scala API for time numerical series operations.
Data store evolution tool suite. Supports Mysql, Elasticsearch, and Cassandra.
akka extension for accessing Couchbase 2
JWT related directives for
Geographical area hashing algorithms GeoHex and TeraHex
For running scalastyle from the command line
BigInteger for scala with very fast modPow
Notifier library for integrating Scala apps with the Rollbar service.
Social Network API Integration Library using Scala
SBT plugin that provides common utility functions and configurations
A Command Line Argument Parser for Scala
XML-RPC library written in Scala
Rest utils for Scalatra
Scala plugin that helps you migrate away from exception-based error handling