Contributing Search
All the projects below have beginner-friendly issues which are great places to start contributing
A fault tolerant, protocol-agnostic RPC system
- #971 - LengthFieldFramer.apply in Scala 2.13 broken since Commit dc6680b
- #970 - New release for finagle with netty vlunerability fix
- #968 - Feature Request: Emoji Hashtags/Cashtags
- #965 - Client with TLS configuration not working on version v22.12.0 onwards - java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: ApplicationProtocols.Supported is not supported at this time for SslContextClientEngineFactory. Remote Info: Not Available
- #964 - Update the Netty to latest version (4.1.108.Final) - Vulnerability CVE-2024-29025
- #962 - finagle-http: Http methodbuilder does not allow setting sendInterrupts flag to backup request filter
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A platform to build and run apps that are elastic, agile, and resilient. SDK, libraries, and hosted environments.
- #32684 - Failure: No tests to run for akka-remote-tests / Multi-jvm / multiNodeTest
- #32673 - Missing Java API for AsyncCallback#invokeWithFeedback
- #32652 - Failed: multi jvm connection reset by peer
- #32579 - NullpointerException in typed receiveSignal
- #32554 - Failed: EventSourcedBehaviorLoggingSpec
- #32525 - [Akka-remote]Regular DisassociatedEvent. In a good network environment, the load on the nodes is low, and the jvm does not run full gc for a long time, a large number of AssociationError errors are reported in spark logs
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The Community Maintained High Velocity Web Framework For Java and Scala.
- #13221 - Evaluate use of io_uring
- #13212 - Java support for routes compiler
- #13201 - Test against Java 24 and Java 25 EA builds
- #13198 - Upgrade to latest Jackson (2.18)
- #13105 - Fix `CVE-2023-26119` in htmlunit, coming from FluentLenium (test-dependency)
- #13100 - No need to escape non scala/java keywords for reverse routing
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Lightweight, modular, and extensible library for functional programming.
- #4727 - Monad Transformer typeclass
- #4709 - Add withFilter to FunctorFilter.Ops
- #4696 - drop/dropRight/take/takeRight on TraverseFilter
- #4689 - Show null compatibility with scala string interpolator
- #4681 - `Either.catchOnly` and `-Yexplicit-nulls` are not playing well together
- #4664 - algebra.ring.Semiring conflicts with Wikipedia Semiring definition in that it lacks a `one` element
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Old repo for Linkerd 1.x. See the linkerd2 repo for Linkerd 2.x.
- #2460 - ZooKeeper server set namer `io.l5d.serversets` appears to leak ZooKeeper watches
- #2451 - Namerd version admin port
- #2446 - serverSession: idleTimeMs times out while there is activity
- #2442 - We are running Namerd & Consul cluster in our environment ,getting below error frequently and that break application communication
- #2411 - Linkerd sporadically stops watching remote addresses in Namerd with thrift interpreter
- #2403 - should use a pinned version
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sbt, the interactive build tool
- #8083 - Dependency Eviction and runtime classpath contain contradicting dependency version
- #8082 - [2.x] semanticdbIncludeInJar must be enabled for semanticdbEnabled to work after clean
- #8076 - Support multiple credentials for same host/realm
- #8075 - sbt -no-colors breaks print
- #8073 - Support for Java 24 (without sun.misc.Unsafe warning)
- #8072 - testQuick ignores changes in transitive dependencies
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Simple and Distributed Machine Learning
- #2355 - How to install to EMR from maven repository to /usr/lib/spark/jars
- #2352 - How does repartitionByGroupingColumn work in the LightGBMClassifier?
- #2350 - [BUG] Fail to run the Python built from source
- #2347 - [BUG] Failure to communicate with tenant in West US
- #2346 - Link to DB notebook does not exit
- #2341 - Vowpal Wabbit - Large cardinality
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ZIO — A type-safe, composable library for async and concurrent programming in Scala
- #9724 - `ZIO#provideSome` breaks when providing layer with related types (Scala 2)
- #9704 - Inconsistent Behavior in Providing/Bootstrapping Runtime Layers
- #9701 - ZStream.async issue on scala-native
- #9690 - Unused local from HasNoScope macro
- #9688 - Sharing multiple layers across test files
- #9683 - assertTrue macros crashes when macro passed to it
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An open-source storage framework that enables building a Lakehouse architecture with compute engines including Spark, PrestoDB, Flink, Trino, and Hive and APIs
- #4337 - [Feature Request]Keep track of domain metadata in CRC
- #4331 - [Feature Request][Kernel] Support passing protocol features through table properties on transaction
- #4329 - [PROTOCOL RFC] Issue with Column Mapping Usage Tracking RFC
- #4306 - [Feature Request] Generalize isUnityCatalog concept for general REST TableCatalog Usage
- #4305 - [Feature Request][Kernel] Support Schema evolution in Kernel
- #4304 - [BUG]
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A Scala API for Cascading
- #2001 - my account is closed
- #1998 - duplicate tags in pom files
- #1997 - incompatibility with recent java8 runtime environments due to hadoop
- #1988 - [Proposal] Support more sinks/sources in scalding-spark
- #1979 - Beam backend is missing some pipes
- #1971 - flake on optimization test
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Slick (Scala Language Integrated Connection Kit) is a modern database query and access library for Scala
- #3125 - Filtering on slick table query is not working when using column not defined in projection
- #3051 - Scala 3: 22 fields limitation still exists
- #3030 - Java 8 support broken in Slick 3.5.2
- #3028 - Support H2 v2.x
- #3027 - Support Unique constraints (on multiple columns), and other constraints (such as Check constraints perhaps)
- #3026 - OracleProfile LocalDateTime can have 9 nanoseconds numbers but there is a restriction to just 3 in OracleProfile
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A minimal, idiomatic Scala interface for HTTP
- #7648 - Support StaticFile on Native
- #7621 - Concerns regarding the use of `unsafeRunSync()` in logging functionality
- #7598 - Connection reset exception on websocket server
- #7578 - http4s `0.22`: Add support for Jetty `12` to address `CVE-2024-6763`
- #7558 - ember client fail on already closed http2 streams
- #7543 - Default Logger middleware can cause OOMs
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Yet another JSON library for Scala
- #2365 - No given instance of type io.circe.derivation.Default[this.Message] was found
- #2351 - How to remove null values in dictionaries and collections
- #2326 - Support deriving Encoder / Decoder for `NamedTuples` ?
- #2322 - scala3 default values should not be lazy val
- #2318 - Add Automatic-Module-Name
- #2311 - Numbers bigger than `1L << 53` loose lower bits when parsing by default parser using Scala.js
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Compositional, streaming I/O library for Scala
- #3555 - Interruption after bracket doesn't properly cancel infinite stream
- #3542 - `fs2.interop.flow.PublisherToSubscriberSpec.should cancel upstream if downstream completes` flake
- #3541 - `fs2.interop.flow.PublisherToSubscriberSpec.should have the same output as input` timeout
- #3503 - fs2 gunzip doesn't support concatenated gzip files
- #3502 - Stream hangs on error with broadcastThrough and readOutputStream
- #3487 - parEvalMap resets stream cancellation
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TransmogrifAI (pronounced trăns-mŏgˈrə-fī) is an AutoML library for building modular, reusable, strongly typed machine learning workflows on Apache Spark with minimal hand-tuning
- #579 - Docs & scaladoc websites are down
- #557 - Make RecordInsightsLOCO perform reasonable calculation on numeric features and fix the name to reflect actual calculation.
- #556 - Changing imputation for nulls in DateToUnitCircleTransformer
- #543 - Failed to run titanic example, got java.lang.AbstractMethodError
- #539 - Normalize special characters in string
- #535 - UV Computation
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Functional JDBC layer for Scala.
- #2230 - `Read` and `Write` traits are sealed for no apparent reason
- #2223 - Upgrade H2 to resolve security vulnerabilities
- #2217 - Write[T] in Doobie Fails to Persist Derived Values When Mapping from Case Class
- #2214 - Derivation of "large" case classes doesn't work in 1.0.0-RC8
- #2148 - The link "here" on the first page of the docs is not working
- #2147 - Convert to use munit-cats-effect
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Compile-time Language Integrated Queries for Scala
- #3217 - SqlServerJdbcContext Timeouts
- #3165 - Option[List] type goes wrong in db when filter with a condition #541
- #3149 - Prevent quill from wrapping raw sql into subquery
- #3148 - Cascading Column Names for nested Case Classes.
- #3144 - Naming strategy is not propagated to `onConflictUpdate`
- #3131 - Postgres Timestamp null
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Scala language server with rich IDE features 🚀
- #7336 - Wrong refactoring suggestions at renaming `scala-$n` directory
- #7331 - Can Metals be run without Coursier? I'm getting "Client Metals: connection to server is erroring. Shutting down server."
- #7323 - fail to launch debugger when there is compilation errors (because of a stale db state)
- #7320 - Package rename handles references incorrectly
- #7317 - Quick Fix Import action can't find class
- #7293 - Server versions later than 1.4.1 fail to download Bloop via a private mirror
Contributing Guide Code of Conduct