pancake-db / spark-pancake-connector   0.2.1

Apache License 2.0 GitHub

support for the "pancake" format in Spark

Scala versions: 2.12

Maven Central


This connector allows you to

  • streaming write to PancakeDB
  • batch write to PancakeDB
  • batch read from PancakeDB

It leverages native code to access the PancakeDB core library. The connector should work out of the box for the most common up-to-date OS/architecture combinations, but if you need to build the native libraries for your own, see the client library docs.

In your build.sbt or equivalent,

libraryDependencies += "com.pancakedb" % "spark-pancake-db-connector_2.12" % <version>

Scala Example

For some complete examples, check out the examples subfolder.

val myDataFrame = sparkSession
  .option("host", host)
  .option("port", port)
  .option("table_name", tableName)
  .select("col_0", "col_1", "col_2")
  .option("checkpointLocation", "/tmp/spark-pancake-test")
  .option("host", host)
  .option("port", port)
  .option("table_name", tableName)
  .option("host", host)
  .option("port", port)
  .option("table_name", tableName)


All the PancakeDB-specific options are:

  • table_name: String
  • host: String
  • port: Int

(the following only apply to writes)

  • write_batch_size: Int
    • Defaults to 256, which is the max and should be the best option

See Parameters.scala.

select and where Pushdown

The connector takes advantage of 2 things when reading in batch data:

  • select clauses with specific column names allow it to read in only the data for those columns.
  • where clauses with ===, >, >=, <, <= on partition columns allow it to read in only the data that matches those filters.

All other filters are applied on the Spark side.