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Note that this library leverages PancakeDB Core, a native rust library that needs to be compiled for each architecture and OS. The main release of this library pre-builds for some of these. Therefore you will need to run on one of them:

  • Darwin (Mac)
  • x86_64 Linux, glibc>=2.31
  • aarch64 Linux, glibc>=2.31

or compile your native binary and include it in your resources/native/$ARCHITECTURE-$OS/libpancake_scala_client_native.$SUFFIX.

You can add this client to your build.sbt or equivalent via something like libraryDependencies += "com.pancakedb" %% "pancake-db-client" % <version>

Creating a Client

Create a client instance via something like:

import com.pancakedb.client.PancakeClient
val client = PancakeClient(
  host = "",
  port = 3842,

Essential API

Each of these calls simply sends a request to the server and parses the response. For details about the API calls and what all their fields mean, see the API docs.

Import all the protobufs with import com.pancakedb.idl._

Requests may be made like so:

val req = CreateTableRequest.newBuilder()
val respFuture: Future[CreateTableResponse] = client.grpc.createTable(req)
val resp = respFuture.get()

Higher-level Functionality

The raw API for read_segment_column returns serialized bytes that aren't immediately helpful. To make sense of that data, the client supports a high-level function to decode a whole segment:

  tableName: String,
  partition: scala.collection.Map[String, PartitionFieldValue],
  segmentId: String,
  columns: scala.collection.Map[String, ColumnMeta],
)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext)

This reads multiple columns for the same segment, streaming in all the data. It decodes them together into an array of Rows, which contain deserialized data.


Native Code

If you change any native interface code (the functions in NativeCore.scala), run sbt javah to generate the necessary header files. See the JNI plugin.

Working on a Mac, you can build the current set of pre-built binaries by cd'ing into native/ and running sh This builds the native rust code locally, then builds an Ubuntu docker image, enters it, and builds the native rust code for x86_64 and aarch64 Linux.