Bitdeli Badge

Sbt line

val currentVersion = "1.2.5"

libraryDependencies += "io.github.morgaroth" %% "morgaroth-utils-PROPER_NAME" % currentVersion
libraryDependencies += "io.github.morgaroth" %% "morgaroth-utils-base" % currentVersion
libraryDependencies += "io.github.morgaroth" %% "morgaroth-utils-crypto" % currentVersion
libraryDependencies += "io.github.morgaroth" %% "morgaroth-utils-mongodb" % currentVersion
libraryDependencies += "io.github.morgaroth" %% "morgaroth-utils-spray" % currentVersion


  • v1.2.6:

    • no changes yet
  • v1.2.5:

    • spray: added traits with loggers which simplifies working with loggers outside actors, when is implicit actorSystem available in scope
  • v1.2.4:

    • added SalatDAOConf class (extending SalatDAO) which provides reading database access from application configuration
    • added two new modules: spray for utils for applications based on spray and mongodb for mondodb support
  • v1.2.3:

    • added printToFile function as method as extension method to String
  • v1.2.2:

    • moved classes to another namespace (cause no backward compatibility)

    • added randomDSL with syntax:

       10 ~ 40 random()
    • added k,kk methods to double to express thousands

      (200 ~ 1.5 k) milliseconds
    • added randomDouble, randDouble, randInt, randInt(max)

  • v1.1.1:

    • added object/null to Option implicit wrapper
  • v1.1.0:

    • initial