gemini-hlsw / lucuma-odb   0.11.6

Scala versions: 3.x
Scala.js versions: 1.x

Lucuma Observing Database

This is the Postgres-backed observing database for GPP, under construction.

Working on the Database Schema

The highlights:

  • Step 1 is chmod 0600 test-cert/*
  • To start up a local database and a simple web UI: docker-compose up -d ... if stuff doesn't seem to work drop the -d and see what's going on. You can then ^C out of it and try again.
  • The database will be created and initialized if it doesn't yet exist.
  • The Schema is defined by .sql files in modules/service/src/main/resources/db/migration/.
  • To inspect the database using a web UI, go here
  • The password for user jimmy is banana.
  • To connect using psql (if you have it): psql -h localhost -U jimmy -d lucuma-odb
  • To connect using psql (if you don't have it): docker-compose run db psql -h db -U jimmy -d lucuma-odb
  • To build a nice documentation website, look in schemaapy/
  • To stop the database (and the web UI): docker-compose stop
  • To stop and delete the database (and the web UI): docker-compose down

To work on the schema I just do docker-compose down; docker-compose up to wipe it and rebuild from the schema. Any errors will be reported on the console. For now we're not worried about migrations so files can be edited arbitrarily. Once we're deployed migrations will need to be append-only.

Running the App

The application assumes that you have an empty database initially and by default runs migrations to set it up. This will fail if you have followed the instructions above and used docker-compose up because Flyway, the database migration tool, has no record of having run before and tries to create tables that already exist.

To get an empty database you can start the docker container as above and then do this:

psql -h localhost -U jimmy -d postgres -e -c 'drop database "lucuma-odb"'
psql -h localhost -U jimmy -d postgres -e -c 'create database "lucuma-odb"'

You can now run the app, and you can do docker-compose stop. If you do down and then up though you'll need to clear out the db again.

Using reStart

Alternatively, you can run the app from within SBT with service/reStart (stopping with service/reStop). By default, this command will fail after running docker-compose down and then up as described above. You can supply optional arguments to simplify development though:

  • --reset - Drops then creates the database for you. Do this after cycling docker-compose down, up to give flyway a chance to run the migration and update its schema table.
  • --skip-migration - Skips the database migration. This assumes that the database has been initialized already. Usually this won't be necessary since flyway already skips migrations that have previously run.


We are using the Cloudcube heroku addon for accessing S3. In Heroku, the addon sets the environment variables for us. However, when running locally these are what needs to be set. If you want to actually upload/download attachments, you can get the real values from the staging app in Heroku. Otherwise, you can use these as dummy values

There is also a required environment variable that sets the maximum file upload size


Testing Migrations

If you're adding migration scripts you should ensure that they will run correctly on a populated database. You can do this by bringing the database up via docker-compose up and then overwriting the database with data from the dev environment with ./ You can then run the app and see verify that it comes up and looks ok. Note that you will need Heroku and Postgres tools installed locally.