eikek / tus4s   0.1.0

Apache License 2.0 GitHub

Provides http4s routes to enable uploads via the tus.io protocol.

Scala versions: 3.x


This project provides routes for http4s to enable file uploads via the tus protocol.

It is comprised of the following modules:

  • core provides some core structures for supporting the tus protocol
  • fs provides a backend for storing files on the local file system
  • pg provides a backend for storing files in a PostgreSQL database using the large object feature
  • http4s depends on http4s-dsl to implement the tus protocol as server HttpRoutes value that you can mount in your endpoint hierarchy


First an implementation of TusProtocol is required, there is one provided using a directory to store uploads.

import cats.effect.*
import fs2.io.file.Path

import tus4s.core.data.ByteSize
import tus4s.fs.FsTusProtocol
import tus4s.core.TusProtocol

val tusBackend: IO[TusProtocol[IO]] = FsTusProtocol.create[IO](Path("/tmp/tus-test"), Some(ByteSize.mb(500)))
// tusBackend: IO[TusProtocol[[A >: Nothing <: Any] => IO[A]]] = Map(
//   ioe = Blocking(
//     hint = Blocking,
//     thunk = fs2.io.file.FilesCompanionPlatform$AsyncFiles$$Lambda$2790/0x00007fee9c8ff1c0@2e7e9897,
//     event = cats.effect.tracing.TracingEvent$StackTrace
//   ),
//   f = tus4s.fs.FsTusProtocol$$$Lambda$2791/0x00007fee9c904000@753bfb4b,
//   event = cats.effect.tracing.TracingEvent$StackTrace
// )

With such a backend, the endpoint can be created:

import tus4s.http4s.server.{Retrieve, TusEndpointBuilder}
import org.http4s.implicits.*

def tusEndpoint(backend: TusProtocol[IO]) =

The optional withRetrieve allows to inject code to also get a file back on the GET <base-uri> route. The configuration for the tus protocol (i.e. which extensions are enabled) is a feature of the backend (here FsTusBackend, look at it's constructor for what is available).

Finally, putting all together in a server:

import com.comcast.ip4s.*
import org.http4s.*
import org.http4s.server.Router
import org.http4s.ember.server.EmberServerBuilder

  backend <- tusBackend
  app = Router("files" -> tusEndpoint(backend)).orNotFound
  _ <- EmberServerBuilder
yield ExitCode.Success
// res0: IO[ExitCode] = FlatMap(
//   ioe = Map(
//     ioe = Map(
//       ioe = Blocking(
//         hint = Blocking,
//         thunk = fs2.io.file.FilesCompanionPlatform$AsyncFiles$$Lambda$2790/0x00007fee9c8ff1c0@2e7e9897,
//         event = cats.effect.tracing.TracingEvent$StackTrace
//       ),
//       f = tus4s.fs.FsTusProtocol$$$Lambda$2791/0x00007fee9c904000@753bfb4b,
//       event = cats.effect.tracing.TracingEvent$StackTrace
//     ),
//     f = repl.MdocSession$MdocApp$$Lambda$2792/0x00007fee9c901000@77d5a3ee,
//     event = cats.effect.tracing.TracingEvent$StackTrace
//   ),
//   f = repl.MdocSession$MdocApp$$Lambda$2793/0x00007fee9c9013d0@5b0d8236,
//   event = cats.effect.tracing.TracingEvent$StackTrace
// )