cornerman / http4s-jsoniter   0.1.2

MIT License GitHub

EntityEncoder and EntityDecoder for jsoniter in http4s

Scala versions: 3.x 2.13
Scala.js versions: 1.x


EntityEncoder and EntityDecoder for jsoniter in http4s.

Get started

Get latest release:

libraryDependencies += "com.github.cornerman" %% "http4s-jsoniter" % "0.1.2"

We additonally publish snapshot releases for every commit.

Example usage

Import the encoder and decoder using Array[Byte] for reading and writing with jsoniter:

import http4sJsoniter.ArrayEntityCodec._

Import the encoder and decoder based on java InputStream and OutputStream for reading and writing with jsoniter:

import http4sJsoniter.JavaIOStreamEntityCodec._

TODO: configuring ReaderConfig and WriterConfig


For a more generic approach based on chameleon that supports multiple serialization libraries, checkout the chameleon-http4s package: