mohiva/play-silhouette 7.0.0
Silhouette is an authentication library for Play Framework applications that supports several authentication methods, including OAuth1, OAuth2, OpenID, CAS, 2FA, TOTP, Credentials, Basic Authentication or custom authentication schemes.
Scala versions: 2.12 2.13 -
nulab/scala-oauth2-provider 0.16.1
OAuth 2.0 server-side implementation written in Scala
Scala versions: 2.10 -
profunktor/http4s-jwt-auth 2.0.2
:lock: Opinionated JWT authentication library for Http4s
Scala versions: 2.12 2.13 3.x -
pac4j/play-pac4j 10.0.2
Security library for Play framework 2 in Java and Scala: OAuth, CAS, SAML, OpenID Connect, LDAP, JWT...
Scala versions: 2.12 2.13 -
kovacshuni/koauth 2.1.0
:closed_lock_with_key: OAuth 1.0a provider and consumer library for Scala & Java, storage independent/pluggable, async/reactive, designed to be used within a completely RESTful API.
Scala versions: 2.13 -
guardian/play-googleauth 0.7.10
Simple play module for authenticating against Google
Scala versions: 2.12 -
joscha/play-authenticate 0.9.0
An authentication plugin for Play Framework 2.x (Java)
Scala versions: 2.11 2.12 -
guardian/pan-domain-authentication 7.0.0
Helper to provide a common federated authentication for all services within a domain (AKA Panda 🐼)
Scala versions: 2.12 2.13