ScalaTest extras

Maven Central TeamCity build


Switch the codebase to the required Scala version.

By default, Scala 2.11 is used. To build it for another Scala version, switch to the required Scala version first.

# E.g. to switch to Scala 2.13 use
mvn scala-cross-build:change-version -Pscala-2.13

Build the project

When building the project activate a Scala profile corresponding to the Scala version of the codebase.

# E.g. for Scala 2.13 use
mvn clean install -Pscala-2.13

Building for all supported Scala versions


Measuring code coverage

./mvn clean verify -Pcode-coverage 

Code coverage will be generated on path:



ConditionalTestTags - runs tests conditionally

  it should "test that new Spark feature" taggedAs ignoreIf(ver"$SPARK_VERSION" < ver"2.4") in  {

  it should "test some DAO" taggedAs ignoreIf(!isDatabaseAvailable) in  {

ConsoleStubs - stubs Console API

  captureStdOut(Console.out.print("foo")) should be("foo")

SystemExitFixture intercept System.exit() and asserts status

  captureExitStatus(System.exit(42)) should be(42)

  // OR

  assertingExitStatus(be > 0 and be < 5) {
      // run some code that calls System.exit(...)

EnvFixture - adds an API to set an environment variable for the scope of a single test method

class MySpec ... with EnvFixture {
  it should "set FOO variable for this test body only" in {
    setEnv("FOO", 42)
    // execute some test code that reads FOO environment variable
    // via the standard Java API like System.getenv("FOO")

WhitespaceNormalizations - extends Scalatest DSL with some whitespace treatment methods

        a: 111,
        b: {
          v: 42
    should equal ("{ a: 111, b: { v: 42 } }")
    (after being trimmed and whitespaceNormalized)

CommonMatchers - provides matchers, currently only URI matcher

  class MySpec ... with CommonMatchers {
    it should "produce the correct URI" in {
      val uri: String = ???

      uri should equalToUri("file:///foo.txt")
      // compares using`s equals method

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you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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