This library exists to create a better developer experience ("DevEx") when working with Apache Kafka.
The ultimate goal is to allow very quick (and yet resource-safe, testable, readable, clean) development of streams which is NOT currently the case.
- There's a disparate offering of Kafka Connect, Kafka Streams/KSQL:
- Kafka Connect should be just simple source/sink adapters
- Kafka Streams/KSQL is all about in and out of Kafka -- and comes with additional serialisation middleware/baggage/plumming (e.g. Serde's)
The aim is to improve on the example given by 47deg here.
That is, can we treat scala like a dynamically-typed/scripted language and avoid:
- having to build a versioned application library/image to then...
- have to update a devops pipelines to reference that version?
It seems we could remote a step and just have a terse, single-screen business logic script.
We can get rid of step #1 and make the whole code fit into a ConfigMap by leveraging e.g. scala-cli.
- To Simplify (by completely removing) having to deal with all the Kafka Serde stuff -- just let the types we publish/consume do the right thing:
- remove the generic 'Key' and 'Value' type signatures
- infer/provide the right Serde based on the actual types we use
How: By just using a better data type which can be structured but also represent all types (strings, longs, ints, avro, json, protobuf)
TL;DR: A "DynamicJson" type which can easily marshal into/out of case-classes, but provide dynamic 'record.value.a.b.c.asInt' semantics
- Still provide a performant, resource-safe way to work with streams with concurrency/parallelism in mind
How: By using ZIO TL;DR: A bit like "Future[A]" think "IO[A]" where 'IO' can be rerun/restarted, raced, fork/joined/cancelled, and a bunch of other stuff.
- Provide this as a library, so we can completely remove the separate CI/CD overheads
Because we have powerful constructs for our code:
- mapping/filtering/flat-mapping with common data types (e.g. avro, protobuf, schema registry)
- going into/out-of sinks (kafka, endpoints, databases, file-systems, stdout)
We can create great tooling which interops w/ databases, REST services, etc in a few lines of code
For these examples, assume these imports and data types
import franz.*
import io.circe.syntax.*
case class MoreData(id: Long, ok: Boolean)
case class MyData(some: Int, value: MoreData)
val objectData = MyData(1, MoreData(2, false))
val jsonData : Json =
"""x : 1
y : 2
array : [a,b,c]
nested : {
what : ever
Useful for populating topics from some template examples.
This will repeat random (though consistent using purely functional Random)
val testData: Seq[Json] = DataGen.repeatFromTemplate(objectData, 10)
// produces values such as:
// "value" : {
// "ok" : true,
// "id" : 1655878085
// },
// "some" : -606295026
Where that template data could also just be some json:
val testRecord = DataGen("""bool : false
y : 2
array : [a,b,c]
nested : {
what : ever
// where testRecord would then be:
// "y" : -942827898,
// "nested" : {
// "what" : "4SiSlSbwvWG"
// },
// "bool" : true,
// "array" : [
// "T49HQtn",
// "VhtGR7TV62"
// ]
The SchemaGen
class can derive schemas like avro4s
Where the .asAvro("")
produces avro records from case classes (products) or json:
val record : IndexedRecord = objectData.asAvro("some.namespace")
val fromJsonRecord : IndexedRecord = """bool : false
y : 2
array : [a,b,c]
nested : {
what : ever
One main issue w/ Kafka is specifying all the Serde (serializers / deserializers), which makes it difficult to simply map data into/out-of Kafka.
Franz provides a DynamicProducer
which can read and write any supported type (primitives, json, avro) to Kafka,
making working with the data (mapping, filtering, flatMapping) much easier:
// we use the same writer to write different data to different topics:
val writer : DynamicProducer = ...
writer.publishValue(jsonData, "json-topic")
writer.publishValue(123, "int-topic")
writer.publishValue(objectData.asJson, "another-json-topic")
writer.publishValue(objectData.asAvro("another.namespace"), "avro-topic-2")
writer.publishValue(avroData, "avro-topic-1")
Where unsupported values to 'publishValue' won't compile. This is thanks to Scala 3's union type, and SupportedType
being defined as:
type Supported = Int | Long | DynamicJson | Json | IndexedRecord | String | ByteBuffer
Reading works in a similar simple way - Franz provides a BatchedStream
which can read any supported type from Kafka.
The Key and Value types are always of DynamicJson
(as avro, json, primitives, etc can all be represented as json).
The Franz 'DynamicJson' type (rather than just Json directly) provides some additional functionality:
consider this json:
val json : DynamicJson = {
person : {
address : {
street : "main steet"
// we can just use dot notation of 'person.address.street' (and then 'asString' for the expected type)
val street : String = json.person.address.street.asString
Given the excellent properties of ZIO:
- composability
- resource safety
- concurrency support (fibers, fork/join, racing)
- rich functionality (retries, fallback/recovery, delays, scheduling...)
Mixed with the utilities offered by Franz:
- Json utilities (uses Circe)
- SchemaGen for deriving avro schemas from classes or json
- DataGen for generating random (but consistently/reproducibly so) test data
- BatchedStream for convenience read operations and automatic key/value SerDe
- DynamicProducer for convenient write operations (and derived Serde based on values)
Let's consider an example where we write some json data (with x and y values) to a topic, and then enrich that data by adding a 'sum' field written as avro to another topic.
Let's write a single record to in-topic
val writeOneRecord = for {
writer <- ZIO.service[DynamicProducer]
_ <- writer.publishValue(
x : 1
y : 2
""".parseAsJson, "in-topic")
} yield ()
or many records using DataGen
val writeManyRecords = for {
writer <- ZIO.service[DynamicProducer]
testData = DataGen.repeatFromTemplate("""
x : 1
y : 2
""".parseAsJson, 10)
_ <- ZIO.foreach(testData, "in-topic") { record =>
writer.publishValue(record, "in-topic")
} yield ()
Now let's provide a little ZIO app which will read those records and write the enriched records to a new avro topic:
// our enrichment ETL relies on pulling a `DynamicProducer` to write to Kafka and `BatchedStream` to read from Kafka from the environment
val enricher = for {
writer <- ZIO.service[DynamicProducer]
reader <- ZIO.service[BatchedStream]
_ <- reader.withTopic("in-topic").foreachRecord { r =>
// treat 'x' and 'y' as integers and add them:
val sum = r.value.x.asInt() + r.value.y.asInt()
// create a new json based on the original record but with a new 'sum' field
// the '+' or 'merge' method is available on DymamicJson
val newRecord = r.value() + (s"sum : ${sum}".parseAsJson)
// now just squirt it into a new enriched topic:
writer.publishValue(newRecord.asAvro("enriched.namespace"), "enriched-topic")
} yield ()
That's it.
Franz uses a typesafe config parsed by 'FranzConfig()', (which in turn as convenience methods such as 'withConsumerTopic(...)' as well).
So, running any of the above ZIO code "programs" might look like this:
val config = FranzConfig()
val appWithKafka = writeManyRecords.provideSomeLayer(config.kafkaLayer)
This project is built using sbt:
sbt test
Or, if you don't have sbt installed or just want a container-based build:
To test locally, the Kafka tests rely on (and assume) a locally running kafka, so use either
# assumes an M1 chip -- 'cause I'm selfish and opinionated and that's what I am currently using :-)
./ &
# or
./ &
# followed by
sbt it:test