A sample plugin for Xskipper. See Xskipper documentation for more details on how to create a plugin.
The plugin enable to index a column by specifying a list of patterns and saving the matching groups as a value list.
For example, given the following dataset:
batch job,20/12/29 18:04:39 INFO FileSourceStrategy: Pruning directories with:
batch job,20/12/29 18:04:40 INFO DAGScheduler: ResultStage 22 (collect at ParquetMetadataHandle.scala:324) finished in 0.011 s
and the regex pattern ".* .* .* (.*): .*"
The metadata that will be saved is List("FileSourceStrategy", "DAGScheduler")
Then the following query will benefit from the regex index:
FROM tbl
regexp_extract(log_line, '.* .* .* (.*): .*', 1) = 'MemoryStore'
To build a project using the Xskipper binaries from the Maven Central Repository, use the following Maven coordinates:
Include Xskipper Regex plugin in a Maven project by adding it as a dependency in the project's POM file along. The plugin should be compiled with Scala 2.12.
Include the plugin in an SBT project by adding the following line to its build.sbt file:
libraryDependencies += "io.xskipper" %% "xskipper-regex-plugin" % "0.1.0"
The following shows a simple usage example
from xskipper import Xskipper
from xskipper import Registration
metadata_location = "src/test/resources/metadata"
conf = dict([
('io.xskipper.parquet.mdlocation', metadata_location),
("io.xskipper.parquet.mdlocation.type", "EXPLICIT_BASE_PATH_LOCATION")])
Xskipper.setConf(spark, conf)
# Register the needed classes
# Add MetadataFilterFactor
Registration.addMetadataFilterFactory(spark, 'io.xskipper.plugins.regex.filter.RegexValueListMetaDataFilterFactory')
# Add IndexFactory
Registration.addIndexFactory(spark, 'io.xskipper.plugins.regex.index.RegexIndexFactory')
# Add MetaDataTranslator
Registration.addMetaDataTranslator(spark, 'io.xskipper.plugins.regex.parquet.RegexValueListMetaDataTranslator')
# Add ClauseTranslator
Registration.addClauseTranslator(spark, 'io.xskipper.plugins.regex.parquet.RegexValueListClauseTranslator')
dataset_location = "src/test/resources/sample_dataset"
reader = spark.read.format("csv").option("inferSchema", "true").option("header", "true")
xskipper = Xskipper(spark, dataset_location)
# test adding all index types including using the custom index API
xskipper.indexBuilder() \
.addCustomIndex("io.xskipper.plugins.regex.index.RegexValueListIndex", ["log_line"],
{"io.xskipper.plugins.regex.pattern.r0": ".* .* .* (.*): .*"}) \
.build(reader) \
.show(10, False)
spark.sql("SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE regexp_extract(log_line,'.* .* .* (.*): .*', 1) = 'MemoryStore'").show()
xskipper.getLatestQueryAggregatedStats(spark).show(10, False)
import io.xskipper._
import io.xskipper.implicits._
import io.xskipper.plugins.regex.implicits._
import io.xskipper.plugins.regex.implicits._
import io.xskipper.plugins.regex.filter.RegexValueListMetaDataFilterFactory
import io.xskipper.plugins.regex.index.RegexIndexFactory
import io.xskipper.plugins.regex.parquet.{RegexValueListClauseTranslator, RegexValueListMetaDataTranslator}
// Register the plugin classes
val metadata_location = "src/test/resources/metadata"
// Set JVM Wide parameters
val conf = Map(
"io.xskipper.parquet.mdlocation" -> metadata_location,
"io.xskipper.parquet.mdlocation.type" -> "EXPLICIT_BASE_PATH_LOCATION")
val dataset_location = "src/test/resources/sample_dataset"
val reader = spark.read.format("csv").option("inferSchema", "true").option("header", "true")
// index the dataset
val xskipper = new Xskipper(spark, dataset_location)
// remove existing index if needed
if (xskipper.isIndexed()) {
.addRegexValueListIndex("log_line", Seq(".* .* .* (.*): .*"))
// enable xskipper
spark.sql("SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE regexp_extract(log_line," +
"'.* .* .* (.*): .*', 1) = 'MemoryStore'")
// show data skipping stats
xskipper-regex-plugin is compiled using SBT.
To compile, run
build/sbt compile
To generate artifacts, run
build/sbt package
To execute tests, run
build/sbt test
Refer to SBT docs for more commands.
xskipper-regex-plugin tracks issues in GitHub and prefers to receive contributions as pull requests.
xskipper-regex-plugin is compatible with Xskipper 1.2.0 and requires Apache Spark 3.0.0
Apache License 2.0, see LICENSE.