ocicat is a purely functional throttler and rate limiter
libraryDependencies += "com.wix" %% "ocicat" % "0.0.1"
Throttler allows you to throttle requests concurrently with rate you specify.
- decide about throttling rate. For example up to 5 calls in one minute.
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import com.wix.ocicat.Rate._
val rate = 5 every 1.minute
- create a throttler for any container that has cats.effect.Sync instance, e.g. cats.effect.IO. String is a type of Key we are going throttle on.
val throttler = Throttler[IO, Int](limit every window.millis, InMemoryStorage[IO, Int](Clock.create)).unsafeRunSync()
- submit a key to the throttle on action you want to be throttled
val key = UUID.randomUUID().toString
throttler.throttle(key).unsafeRunSync() // going to throw ThrottleException because of exceeding throttle limits.
- in case you are working with future (sic!), use this snippet for the throttler creation
def futureThrottler[A](rate: Rate) = {
new Throttler[Future, A] {
val throttler0 = Throttler.unsafeCreate[IO, A](rate)
override def throttle(key: A) = throttler0.throttle(key).unsafeToFuture()
- throttler comes with in memory storage. In memory throttler is good for throttling in scope of one jvm. For distributed cases there is redis throttler storage implementation. Redis throttler storage is capable to throttle only string keys.
case class MyKey(key: String)
val storage: RedisStorage[IO] = RedisStorage[IO](s"redis://localhost:9000", clock)
val stringThrottler: Throttler[IO, String] = Throttler[IO, String](limit every window.millis, storage).unsafeRunSync()
val myKeyThrottler: Throttler[IO, MyKey] = stringThrottler.contramap[MyKey](_.key)
Rate limiter allows you to execute tasks making sure that specified rate is not exceeded.
- decide about the rate and the queue size. For example up to 5 calls in one minute.
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import com.wix.ocicat.Rate._
val rate = 5 every 1.minute
val maxPending = Long.MaxValue
- create a rate limiter for any container that has cats.effect.Concurrent instance, e.g. cats.effect.IO.
val rateLimiter = RateLimiter[IO](rate, maxPending, Clock.create).unsafeRunSync()
- you can either submit tasks to be executed asynchronously or await task execution
val task = IO("This is a task for a rate limiter!")
val submitResult: IO[Unit] = rateLimiter.submit(task)
val taskResult: IO[String] = rateLimiter.await(task)
- rate limiter will immediately fail task with TooManyPendingTasksException if maximum amount of pending tasks is reached
Circuit breaker allows you to prevent failures from constantly occurring during temporary system issues.
- pick maxFailures (amount of errors after which circuit breaker will immediately fail tasks) and resetTimeout (amount of time after which circuit breaker will allow one task to go through to test the system)
import scala.concurrent.duration._
val maxFailures = 1
val resetTimeout = 1.minute
- create a circuit breaker for any container that has cats.effect.Sync instance, e.g. cats.effect.IO.
val circuitBreaker = CircuitBreaker[IO](maxFailures, resetTimeout, Clock.create).unsafeRunSync()
- circuit breaker will start to protect tasks after maxFailures amount of failures
val failingTask = IO.raiseError(new RuntimeException("Something went terribly wrong"))
val succeedingTask = IO.pure("I'm a happy ???")
circuitBreaker.protect(failingTask).attempt.unsafeRunSync()//Left(RuntimeException("Something went terribly wrong")
circuitBreaker.protect(succeedingTask).attempt.unsafeRunSync()//Right("I'm a happy ???")
- rate limiter will immediately fail task with TooManyPendingTasksException if maximum amount of pending tasks is reached
sbt test
Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
- Yarosalv Hryniuk - Initial work
- Valentyn Vakatsiienko - Initial work
- Dmytro Mayboroda - Storage abstraction, Redis Storage
- Serhii Stramnov - Storage abstraction, Redis Storage
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details
- Hat tip to anyone whose code was used
- Inspiration
- upperbound
- etc