
Plugin to support running Scala tests from Emacs.


Ability to provide discovery of defined Scala tests with only sbt as a dependency. No other tool is necessary.


Easiest way to enable sbt-tests-metadata plugin is by adding following line into global ~/.sbt/1.0/plugins/plugins.sbt file:

addSbtPlugin("io.github.vlachjosef" % "sbt-tests-metadata" % "0.1.0")


This plugin defines:

  • sbt setting called testsMetadata. It provides information about defined tests in sbt projects. By default this setting is empty.

  • sbt task called testsMetadataRefresh. Running this task will populate testsMetadata setting with discovered tests metadata.

Although testsMetadata can be queried from sbt and testsMetadataRefresh command can be run manually, their intended purpose is to be used transparently from sbt-test-runner.el.