vatbox / epoximise   1.0.4


Epoximise - library to serialize/deserialize MongoDB (ver 3.0+) BsonValue

Scala versions: 2.12 2.11

Epoximise - library to serialize/deserialize MongoDB (ver 3.0+) BsonValue


    libraryDependencies += "com.vatbox" %% "epoximise" % "2.0.0"

Example is the best way to explain what it does.

  • Let's create 2 scala classes first, they are pretty generic:

    case class UpperLevel(
                           i: Int,
                           b: Boolean,
                           s: String,
                           o: Option[Boolean],
                           d: Double,
                           l: Long,
                           objectId: ObjectId,
                           uuid: UUID,
                           set: Set[Embedded]
    case class Embedded(ii: Int, bb: Boolean, arr: List[Int], lclDate: LocalDateTime)

    We will also create some random objects using scalacheck generators (example).

  • Now that we have our objects let's persist them to MongoDB using MongoDB scala driver. For that we will create a really simple DAO with the following methods:

    • Insert ANY(almost) object = def insert[A <: AnyRef](entity : A): Future[Completed]
    • Find All = def find[A: Manifest](): Future[Seq[A]]
  • In order to persist our almost ANY object into DB we will need this library:

    val epox: Epoximise = EpoximiseBuilder().build()
    import epox._

    That's it.

  • This is how our DAO looks like (full example here):

    object SimpleDao {
      val collection: MongoCollection[Document] = db.getCollection("objects")
      val epox: Epoximise = EpoximiseBuilder().build()
      import epox._
      def insert[A <: AnyRef](entity : A): Future[Completed] = collection.insertOne(entity).head()
      def find[A: Manifest](): Future[Seq[A]] = collection.find().map(_.extract[A]).toFuture()
  • Now what's left for us is to use it:

    class OneSpecToRuleThemAll extends AsyncFreeSpecLike with ScalaFutures with GeneratorDrivenPropertyChecks with Matchers with BeforeAndAfterAll{
      val dao = SimpleDao
      "Generate random objects and insert them to DB" in {
        var buffer = mutable.Buffer[UpperLevel]()
        forAll(Generators.upperLevelGen,MinSuccessful(100)) { obj =>
          val future = dao.insert(obj)
 { _ =>
            buffer += obj
        dao.find[UpperLevel]().map { seq =>
          seq should contain theSameElementsAs buffer
  • This is what is looks like in MongoDB:

    	"_id" : ObjectId("586212cca36dbdbcee840c8d"),
    	"i" : 0,
    	"b" : false,
    	"s" : "qncavbapct",
    	"d" : 1.8429734143155635e+270,
    	"l" : -1,
    	"objectId" : ObjectId("586212cca36dbdbcee840c8c"),
    	"uuid" : BinData(4,"XqHqQgSgTHyubkEfZtGlog=="),
    	"set" : [
    			"ii" : 165273565,
    			"bb" : true,
    			"arr" : [
    			"lclDate" : ISODate("2016-12-26T17:21:33Z")
    			"ii" : -2147483648,
    			"bb" : false,
    			"arr" : [
    			"lclDate" : ISODate("2016-12-26T17:44:52Z")
    			"ii" : 0,
    			"bb" : true,
    			"arr" : [
    			"lclDate" : ISODate("2016-12-26T07:15:51Z")
    			"ii" : -1,
    			"bb" : false,
    			"arr" : [
    			"lclDate" : ISODate("2016-12-26T10:06:59Z")
    			"ii" : 367712630,
    			"bb" : true,
    			"arr" : [
    			"lclDate" : ISODate("2016-12-26T10:28:07Z")

This library is inspired by Json4s old mongo driver support which means you will need Json4s in order to use it.

  • Dependencies you will need to add are:
  "org.mongodb.scala" %% "mongo-scala-driver" % "2.2.0",
  "org.json4s" %% "json4s-core" % "3.6.0-M2"
  • You will also need to have Formats implicitly available when using this library:

     implicit val formats: Formats

    There are several useful serializers/deserializers included in this library make sure you include them if needed.

     object ObjectIdSerializer extends Serializer[ObjectId]
     object UUIDSerializer extends Serializer[UUID]
     // For java.time._  
     case class LocalDateTimeSerializer(localDateTimeFormatter: DateTimeFormatter) extends Serializer[LocalDateTime]
     case class LocalDateSerializer(localDateTimeFormatter: DateTimeFormatter) extends Serializer[LocalDate]
     // For java.util
     object DateSerializer extends Serializer[Date]
     // Example: 
     implicit val formats: Formats = DefaultFormats + ObjectIdSerializer + LocalDateTimeSerializer() + LocalDateSerializer() + UUIDSerializer