This library provides everything an ats service needs to run a simple akka http server with a sql database.
Choose the modules you need and add them to your build.sbt
libraryDependencies += "com.advancedtelematic" %% "libats" % "version"
libraryDependencies += "com.advancedtelematic" %% "libats-http" % "version"
libraryDependencies += "com.advancedtelematic" %% "libats-auth" % "version"
libraryDependencies += "com.advancedtelematic" %% "libats-slick" % "version"
libraryDependencies += "com.advancedtelematic" %% "libats-messaging" % "version"
libraryDependencies += "com.advancedtelematic" %% "libats-messaging-datatype" % "version"
Check the blueprint for more details.
Further documentation is available at the module README:
Generated with:
sbt -no-colors -batch libats_root/moduleDepDot |
grep -P -v "^\[.+\]" |
dot -Tpng > libats_dependencies.png
It's useful to add this project as a local projects, so you can
develop without having to run publishLocal
all the time.
You can add the following to build.sbt:
lazy val libats = (ProjectRef(file("<absolute local path to this repo>"), "libats"))
lazy val libats_messaging = (ProjectRef(file("<absolute local path to this repo>"), "libats-messaging"))
And then add .dependsOn(libats)
to your project definition, for example:
lazy val libtuf = (project in file("libtuf")).dependsOn(libats).dependsOn(libats_messaging)
A new version is published to nexus for each push to master.