typelevel / otel4s-experimental   0.4.0

Apache License 2.0 GitHub
Scala versions: 3.x 2.13
Scala.js versions: 1.x
Scala Native versions: 0.4


Typelevel Organization Project Maven Central


The otel4s-experimental project provides no binary compatibility guarantees between releases.
Changes made in this repository may be completely incompatible with previous versions.

otel4s-experimental is a companion project for the otel4s. The key points of the repository:

  • Develop and test new experimental features
  • Provide access to the unstable functionality without breaking the otel4s
  • Some features may be upstreamed to the otel4s eventually

Metrics - getting started

Add the otel4s-experimental-metrics dependency to the build.sbt:

libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
  "org.typelevel" %% "otel4s-experimental-metrics" % "0.4.0"

1) IOMetrics - cats-effect runtime metrics


IOMetrics instrumentation is available only on JVM platform.


import cats.effect.{IO, IOApp}
import org.typelevel.otel4s.experimental.metrics._
import org.typelevel.otel4s.oteljava.OtelJava

object Main extends IOApp.Simple {
  def app: IO[Unit] = ???

  def run: IO[Unit] =
    OtelJava.autoConfigured[IO]().use { otel4s =>
      otel4s.meterProvider.get("service.meter").flatMap { implicit meter =>

The metrics can be visualized in Grafana using this dashboard.

2) InstrumentedQueue - the instrumentation for cats.effect.std.Queue

The provided metrics:

  • cats.effect.std.queue.size - the current number of the elements in the queue
  • cats.effect.std.queue.enqueued - the total (lifetime) number of enqueued elements
  • cats.effect.std.queue.offer.blocked - the current number of the 'blocked' offerers
  • cats.effect.std.queue.take.blocked- the current number of the 'blocked' takers


import cats.effect.{IO, IOApp}
import cats.effect.std.Queue
import org.typelevel.otel4s.{Attribute, Attributes}
import org.typelevel.otel4s.experimental.metrics._
import org.typelevel.otel4s.oteljava.OtelJava

object Main extends IOApp.Simple {

  def run: IO[Unit] =
    OtelJava.autoConfigured[IO]().use { otel4s =>
      otel4s.meterProvider.get("service.meter").flatMap { implicit meter =>
        val attributes = Attributes(Attribute("queue.name", "auth events"))
        for {
          queue <- InstrumentedQueue.unbounded[IO, String](attributes = attributes)
          // use the instrumented queue
        } yield ()

Trace - getting started

Add the otel4s-experimental-trace dependency to the build.sbt:

libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
  "org.typelevel" %%% "otel4s-experimental-trace" % "0.4.0"

1) @span annotation

The body of a method annotated with @span will be wrapped into a span:

import org.typelevel.otel4s.trace.Tracer
import org.typelevel.otel4s.experimental.trace.{attribute, span}

case class User(name: String)

class Service[F[_]: Tracer] {
  def findUser(
      @attribute userId: Long,
      @attribute("user.hash") hash: String
  ): F[User] = ???

expands into:

class Service[F[_]: Tracer] {
  def findUser(
      userId: Long,
      hash: String
  ): F[User] =
      Attribute("userId", userId), Attribute("user.hash", hash)

The macro works with variables too:

implicit val tracer: Tracer[IO] = ???

val strictUser: IO[User] = ???

expands into:

val strictUser: IO[User] = 