toalmoal / sbt-liquibase-plugin   2.0.3

Apache License 2.0 GitHub

Liquibase plugin for SBT

Scala versions: 2.12
sbt plugins: 1.x

SBT Liquibase plugin for SBT 1.x, Liquibase version 4.9.1

Instructions for use:

Step 1: Include the plugin in your build

Add the following to your project/plugins.sbt:

addSbtPlugin("com.toalmoal" % "sbt-liquibase" % "2.0.3")

Step 2: Activate sbt-liquibase-plugin in your build

Add the following to your 'build.sbt' ( if you are using build.sbt )

import com.permutive.sbtliquibase.SbtLiquibase
liquibaseUsername := ""
liquibasePassword := ""
liquibaseDriver   := "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"
liquibaseUrl      := "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/test_db?createDatabaseIfNotExist=true"


Setting Description Example
liquibaseUsername Username for the database. This defaults to blank. liquibaseUsername := "your_db_username"
liquibasePassword Password for the database. This defaults to blank. liquibasePassword := "secret"
liqubaseDriver Database driver classname. There is no default. liquibaseDriver := "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"
liquibaseUrl Database connection uri. There is no default. liquibaseUrl := "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mydb"
liquibaseChangelogCatalog Default catalog name for the changelog tables. This defaults to None. liquibaseChangelogCatalog := Some("my_catalog")
liquibaseChangelogSchemaName Default schema name for the changelog tables. This defaults to None. liquibaseChangelogSchemaName := Some("my_schema")
liquibaseDefaultCatalog Default catalog name for the db if it isn't defined in the uri. This defaults to None. liquibaseDefaultCatalog := Some("my_catalog")
liquibaseDefaultSchemaName Default schema name for the db if it isn't defined in the uri. This defaults to None. liquibaseDefaultSchemaName := Some("my_schema")
liquibaseChangelog Full path to your changelog file. This defaults 'src/main/migrations/changelog.xml'. liquibaseChangelog := "other/path/dbchanges.xml"


Task Description
liquibaseUpdate Run the liquibase migration
liquibaseUpdateSql Writes SQL to update database to current version
liquibaseStatus Print count of yet to be run changesets
liquibaseClearChecksums Removes all saved checksums from database log. Useful for 'MD5Sum Check Failed' errors
liquibaseListLocks Lists who currently has locks on the database changelog
liquibaseReleaseLocks Releases all locks on the database changelog.
liquibaseValidateChangelog Checks changelog for errors.
liquibaseDbDiff ( this isn't implemented yet ) Generate changeSet(s) to make Test DB match Development
liquibaseDbDoc Generates Javadoc-like documentation based on current database and change log
liquibaseGenerateChangelog Writes Change Log XML to copy the current state of the database to the file defined in the changelog setting
liquibaseChangelogSyncQql Writes SQL to mark all changes as executed in the database to STDOUT
liquibaseTag {tag} Tags the current database state for future rollback with {tag}
liquibaseRollback {tag} Rolls back the database to the the state is was when the {tag} was applied.
liquibaseRollbackSql {tag} Writes SQL to roll back the database to that state it was in when the {tag} was applied to STDOUT
liquibaseRollbackCount {int} Rolls back the last {int i} change sets applied to the database
liquibaseRollbackCountSql {int} Writes SQL to roll back the last {int i} change sets to STDOUT applied to the database
liquibaseRollbackToDate {yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} Rolls back the database to the the state it was at the given date/time. Date Format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
liquibaseRollbackToDateSql { yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss } Writes SQL to roll back the database to that state it was in at the given date/time version to STDOUT
liquibaseFutureRollbackSql Writes SQL to roll back the database to the current state after the changes in the changelog have been applied.
liquibaseDropAll Drop all tables


This is a straight-up port of the previous plugin sbt-liquibase-plugin, with slight updates to work with SBT 1.

I have found other similar plugins to be either abandoned or not updated frequently, which makes it very hard to rely on them for bug-fixes and features.


Inspiration from previous work done by others on the following projects was an enormous help.

  • sbt-liquibase-plugin for the 0.13.x version
  • sbt-liquibase plugin for sbt 0.11/0.12 (thanks for actually making this plugin in the first place!)