A utility for detecting the programming languages used in pull requests against a GitHub repository.
Requires that github-linguist
is installed and available on the PATH
(see instructions).
The project is configured using a json file of the following format:
"gitHubConfiguration": {
"credentials": {
"username": "[email protected]",
"personalAccessToken": "<personal access token>"
"instance": "github.com"
"repositoryToScan": "tmccarthy/github-pr-language-detection",
"performance": {
"checkoutsPerMinute": 16,
"maxConcurrent": 2,
"checkoutTimeout": "PT10S",
"languageCheckTimeout": "PT30S"
"reportConfig": {
"output": "output.csv",
"timeZone": "Australia/Melbourne",
"languagesToIgnoreIfPossible": [
Provide the path to the config file to the cli/run
SBT task:
./sbt "cli/run runconfig.json"
Add the following to your build.sbt
libraryDependencies += "au.id.tmm.github-pr-language-detection" %% "github-pr-language-detection-lib" % "0.0.2"