tferega / process-runner   0.1.6

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A simple Scala library for no-fuss process runnning.

Scala versions: 2.12 2.11 2.10


A simple Scala library for no-fuss process runnning.


To include process-runner in your project, add the following line to your build.sbt:

libraryDependencies += "com.ferega.procrun" %% "processrunner" % "0.1.5"

It is published for Scala 2.11 and 2.10.


  • Uses java.lang.ProcessBuilder in the background
  • Process managment is asynchronous
  • Collects process output (both stdout and stderr), which can be fetched at any time during or after execution
  • Provides an easy way to write to process stdin
  • Processes can be destroyed
  • Can wait for a process to finish (with a timeout)


Listing folder contents by specifying a working directory (Linux):

// Runs `ls`, in the specified folder, and immediately returns its output.
import com.ferega.procrun._

def listFolder(folder: File): String =
  new ProcessRunner("folder listing", folder, "ls").end.stdOut

Listing folder contents by passing the directory as an argument (Linux):

// Runs `ls`, with a single argument, and immediately returns its output.
import com.ferega.procrun._

def listFolder(folder: File): String =
  new ProcessRunner("folder listing", "ls", Seq(folder.getAbsolutePath)).end.stdOut

Generating a calendar (Linux):

// Runs `cal` with specified year and month and returns generated calendar if
// successful (from stdout). Otherwise, returns error description (from stderr).
import com.ferega.procrun._

def getCalendar(year: Int, month: Int): String = {
  val result = new ProcessRunner("calendar", "cal", "-m" | month | year).end
  if (result.exitCode == 0) {
  } else {
    "Error: " + result.stdErr.split("\n")(0)  // Just the first line of output

Running cmd and executing a specified command by writing to stdin (Windows):

  import com.ferega.procrun._

  def runCommand(command: String): String = {
    val p = new ProcessRunner("command executor", "cmd").run
    p.writeToStdIn(command + "\r\n")