kallikrein is a Scala testing framework for sbt focused on running cats-effect based programs.
If you're into matcher DSLs, check out xpct, which is a framework-agnostic typed matcher lib with support for kallikrein.
"io.tryp" %% "kallikrein-sbt" % "0.5.2"
"io.tryp" %% "kallikrein-http4s-sbt" % "0.5.2"
To use the framework in a project, specify the setting:
testFrameworks += new TestFramework("klk.KlkFramework")
class SomeTest
extends klk.IOTest
test("description")(IO.pure(1 == 1))
Tests are added by calling the test
function in a class inheriting klk.SimpleTest[F]
, where F[_]
is an effect that
implements cats.effect.Sync
is a convenience trait using cats.effect.IO
Assertions are returned from the test thunk and can be anything, as long as there is an instance for klk.TestResult
The internal type representing the result is KlkResult
The above mentioned test
builder can also be used in a pure context and has a nice arsenal of typeclass instances for
When tests are sequenced in a for comprehension, the semantic effect is that of conditional execution: If one test fails, all following tests are skipped.
There is an instance of SemigroupK
available, allowing you to use the <+>
operator, resulting in the alternative, or
, semantics – i.e. if and only if the first test fails, execute the second one and use its result.
For independent tests, there are two combinators: sequential
and parallel
They do what you would expect, similar to the imperative test building syntax.
The parallel
variant requires an instances of cats.Parallel
and will execute the tests with a parTraverse
The following example will result in a successful end result:
class DepTest
extends ComposeTest[IO, SbtResources]
def testSuccess: IO[Boolean] =
def testFail: IO[Boolean] =
IO.raiseError(new Exception("boom"))
implicit def cs: ContextShift[IO] =
def tests: Suite[IO, Unit, Unit] =
for {
_ <- sharedResource(Resource.pure(5))(
builder =>
builder.test("five is 4")(five => IO.pure(five == 4)) <+>
builder.test("five is 5")(five => IO.pure(five == 5))
_ <- test("test 1")(testSuccess)
_ <- test("test 2")(testFail) <+> test("test 3")(testSuccess)
_ <- Suite.parallel(test("test 4a")(testSuccess), test("test 4b")(testSuccess)) <+> test("test 5")(testFail)
_ <- test("test 7")(testSuccess)
} yield ()
The effect type of an individual test can be different from the main effect if there is an instance of klk.Compile[F, G]
For example, EitherT
is supported out of the box:
test("EitherT")(EitherT.right[Unit](IO.pure(1 == 1)))
A Left
value will be converted into a failure by the typeclass TestResult[A]
, meaning that this works just as well with
IO[Either[A, B]]
A Stream[F, A]
will automatically be compiled to F
, with the inner value being handled by a dependent typeclass
The kallikrein-http4s-sbt
module provides a shared resource that runs an http4s server on a random
port and supplies tests with a client and the Uri
of the server wrapped in a test client interface:
class SomeTest
extends klk.Http4sTest[IO]
def tests: Suite[IO, Unit, Unit] =
.test { builder =>
builder.test("http4s") { client =>
client.fetch(Request[IO]())(_ => IO.pure(true))
The TestClient
class provides a fetch
method that injects the uri into the request with its
withUri(request: Request[F])
method, as well as a success
method, which produces a failed KlkResult
if the
response status is other than 2xx
Tests can depend on shared and individual resources that will be supplied by the framework when running:
class SomeTest
extends klk.IOTest
val res1: Resource[IO, Int] = Resource.pure(1)
val res2: Resource[IO, Int] = Resource.pure(1)
test("resource").resource(res1).resource(res2)((i: Int) => (j: Int) => IO.pure(i == j))
def eightySix: SharedResource[IO, Int] =
eightySix.test("shared resource 1")(i => IO.pure(i == 86))
eightySix.test("shared resource 2")(i => IO.pure(i == 68))
The shared resource will be acquired only once and supplied to all tests that use it.
Scalacheck can be used in a test by calling the forall
method on a test builder:
class SomeTest
extends klk.IOTest
test("are all lists of integers shorter than 5 elements?").forall((l1: List[Int]) => IO(l1.size < 5))
This features a custom runner for the properties built on fs2.
A second variant forallNoShrink
does what it advertises.
cats-discipline laws can be checked like this:
class SomeTest
extends klk.IOTest
test("laws").laws(IO.pure(FunctorTests[List].functor[Int, Int, Int]))