swoval / sbt-make   0.1.4

Apache License 2.0 GitHub
Scala versions: 2.12
sbt plugins: 1.0


It is a sad state of affairs that this feels necessary, but I ask that if you support or are planning to vote for the reelection of the 45th president of the United States of America, that you not use this plugin.

sbt-make allows sbt build and plugin authors to write tasks that transform project source files into output files. It extends the sbt task definition syntax to explicitly specify the source -> target file mappings using a syntax that is inspired by make.


  • Incremental evaluation: tasks are only run when their source file dependencies change.
  • Automatic file monitoring: sbt-make interoperates with sbt's ~ command to provide file monitoring. In continuous build mode, tasks are automatically re-evaluated whenever dependent source files change.
  • Language agnostic: sbt-make can be used to build any kind of source files, not just scala and java files.


sbt-make requires sbt version >= 1.3.0. Install by adding:

addSbtPlugin("com.swoval" % "sbt-make" % "0.1.4")

to project/plugins.sbt (or any *.sbt file in the project directory).

In a *.sbt build file, all required settings and definitions are automatically imported into the default scope. To import these settings into a *.scala build file, add:

import com.swoval.make._


The syntax of sbt-make is similar to make within the constraints imposed by the scala programming language. It can be used as a drop in replacement for make in a simple c project:

"CC" := "gcc"
"LIB_DIR" := p"$baseDirectory/mylib"
"LIB_SRC_DIR" := p"${"LIB_DIR"}/src"
"LIB_INCLUDE_DIR" := p"${"LIB_SRC_DIR"}/include"
"LIB_EXT" := { if (scala.util.Properties.isMac) "dylib" else "so" }
"LINK_OPTS" := { if (scala.util.Properties.isMac) "-dynamiclib" else "-shared" }
"OBJECT_DIR" := p"$target/objects"

pat"${"OBJECT_DIR"}/%.o" :-
    (pat"${"LIB_SRC_DIR"}/%.c", p"${"LIB_INCLUDE_DIR"}/mylib.h") build
  sh(m"${"CC"} -c ${`$<`} -I${"LIB_INCLUDE_DIR"} -o ${`$@`}")

p"$target/libmylib.${"LIB_EXT"}" :- pat"${"OBJECT_DIR"}/%.o" build
  sh(m"${"CC"} ${"LINK_OPTS"} -o ${`$@`} ${`$^`}")

p"$target/main.out" :-
    (p"src/main.c", p"$target/libmylib.${"LIB_EXT"}", p"${"LIB_INCLUDE_DIR"}/mylib.h") build
  sh(m"${"CC"} -I${"LIB_INCLUDE_DIR"} ${`$<`} -L$target -lmylib -o ${`$@`}")

p"run".phony :- p"$target/main.out" build
  sh(m"${`$<`} 5")

To generate the main executable in the sbt shell, one would run:

make target/main.out

To run the executable:

make run

The full example along with source files and a roughly equivalent Makefile is available at gcc.

There is also an example of how to make a simple static site generator.


A simple sbt-make task can be defined like so:

p"foo" :- p"bar" build Files.copy(`$<`, `$@`)

In this example, a path with the name foo depends on a source file bar. When bar changes, it is copied into foo. To run this task in the sbt shell, one would simply evaluate make foo. The p"foo" string interpolation syntax is used to specify a Path (see String Interpolation).


sbt-make tasks may be defined for files matching a pattern:

pat"target/%.o" :- (pat"src/%.c", p"foo.h") build sh(m"gcc -o ${`$@`} -c ${`$<`}")

For pattern targets, the first dependency on the right hand side must also be a pattern. A pattern task will be evaluated for each of the source files that match the source pattern. By default, the target path for a given source file is computed by rebasing the source file and transforming the file name by simple substitution. In the example above, src/foo.c is remapped to target/foo.o. To configure this mapping, see Target pattern remapping.

Patterns can also be used as dependencies for tasks with a single path target. For example:

p"target/libmylib.dylib" :- pat"target/objects/%.o" build
  sh(s"gcc -dynamiclib -o ${`$@`} ${`$^`}")

When used this way, there must be a corresponding pattern task definition for the dependent pattern (pat"target/objects/%.o in this example).

Non-file tasks

sbt-make can also be used to generate incremental task with values that are not one or more files. For example:

val fooContents = taskKey[String]("Returns the contents of foo.txt")
fooContents :- p"foo.txt" build
  new String(Files.readAllBytes(`$^`))

The body of fooContents will only be evaluated when a change to foo.txt is detected.

It is also possible for an incremental task to depend on another incremental task that is not a file:

val barFooConcatenation =
  taskKey[String]("Concatenates the contents of foo.txt and bar.txt")
barFooConcatenation :- p"bar.txt" build
  fooContents.track + new String(Files.readAllBytes(`$^`))

In this example, fooContents.track creates an additional dependency in the task (but it is not added to the automatic variables in $^ since it is not a path). The barFooConcatenation body will be evaluated if either the value of fooContents or the contents of bar.txt change. Otherwise it will not be re-evaluated.

In order to define a custom incremental task with return type A, there must be an implicit instance of sjsonnew.JsonFormat[A] available. The sjson-new library is the json serialization library used by sbt internally. Most basic data types like String, Integer, File, etc. are available. In sbt-make, unlike sbt, it is not necessary to import anything to bring the default json formats into scope. However, the build may provide a custom formatter in the build and it will be preferred over the defaults.

Automatic variables

sbt-make provides a subset of the automatic variables present in make. To match the syntax of make, they are defined as symbolic operators. This requires that they be wrapped in backticks in the build definition. The available variables are:

  • $< -- the first source dependency. When the target is a pattern, this will be one of the source files that match the source pattern.
  • $@ -- the target path for a task. If the target is a pattern, it is the path generated by mapping the source path to a target file. See Target pattern remapping for more details.
  • $^ -- a Seq[Path] for all of the source dependencies.
  • $? -- a Seq[Path] of source dependencies that have changed since the last successful run. If there are pattern dependencies, this will include changed and modified paths but not deleted paths.

For consistency with make, the toString method of any the automatic variables returning Seq[Path] have been rewritten to display a space separated list of paths.

String interpolation

Paths and patterns are central to defining sbt-make tasks, so a special syntax is added for creating instances of Path and Pattern.

The p string interpolator creates instances of Path. If a setting key is provided as an identifier in the interpolated string, it is expanded, i.e. p"$target/foo" is loosely translated to Paths.get(target.value).resolve("foo"). Similarly, the pat string interpolator creates instance of Pattern. Finally, the m string interpolator produces an output string and also will replace setting and task keys with a call to their value.

Shell commands

For convenience, sbt-make provides the method sh that can be used to run an arbitrary shell command. It blocks the task on an external call to the provided command. The stdin and stderr of the forked task are printed to the info and error streams of the sbt logger.

String variables

sbt-make allows builds to declare top level string constants as settings:

"base" := baseDirectory.value

These constants can be used inside of the custom string interpolators:

"objects" := p"${"base"}/objects"

This allows the string name of the constant to also be the reference for the value. An equivalent approach would be:

val base = settingKey[String]("the base directory as string")
base := baseDirectory.value.toString
val objects = settingKey[String]("the objects directory as string")
objects := p"$base/objects".toString
// objects := (baseDirectory.value / "objects").toString also works


sbt-make is parallel by default. This means that independent tasks will be run in parallel assuming there are available resources. Like make, the number of concurrent tasks can be configured with the j option. For example, the command

make -j 1 foo

ensures that only one make task will be run at a time to generate the target foo and all of its dependencies.

The default parallelism can be configured by setting the makeParallelism setting:

Global / makeParallelism := 1

will set the default limit of concurrently running tasks to 1. This value can be overridden with the -j parameter.


Target pattern remapping

To override the source file to target file mapping, one can add an entry to makePatternMapping. For example, to change the extension from .c to .o and also prepend the output filename with bar, write:

makePatternMappings += (pat"target/%.o", pat"src/%.c") -> {
  pat"src/%.c".rebase(pat"target/%.o", sourcePath =>
      sourcePath.rename(fileName => "bar" + fileName.replaceAll(".c$", ".o"))

The rebase extension method on Pattern takes a target path and a function from Path => Path and returns a function Path => Option[Path]. If the input path starts with the source pattern base path (src in the example above), the input function is evaluated on the input path relativized with respect to the source pattern base path. The result, is appended to the base path of the target, which is target in this example and wrapped in Some. If the input path does not start with the source pattern base path, the result is None.


sbt-make is still experimental and the api/build syntax may change. Please feel free to provide feedback and report any issues here.