svroonland / rezilience   0.10.4

Apache License 2.0 Website GitHub

ZIO-native utilities for making resilient distributed systems

Scala versions: 3.x 2.13
Scala.js versions: 1.x


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rezilience is a ZIO-native collection of policies for making asynchronous systems more resilient to failures.

It is inspired by Polly, Resilience4J and Akka.

It consists of these policies:

  • CircuitBreaker
  • Bulkhead
  • RateLimiter
  • Retry
  • Timeout

Features / Design goals

  • Type-safety: all errors that can result from any of the rezilience policies are encoded in the method signatures, so no unexpected RuntimeExceptions.
  • Support for your own error types (the E in ZIO[R, E, A]) instead of requiring your effects to have Exception as error type
  • Lightweight: rezilience uses only ZIO fibers and will not create threads or block
  • Switchable at runtime with two transition modes
  • Resource-safe: built on ZIO's ZManaged, any allocated resources are cleaned up safely after use.
  • Interrupt safe: interruptions of effects wrapped by rezilience policies are handled properly.
  • Thread-safe: all policies are safe under concurrent use.
  • ZIO integration: some policies take for example ZIO Schedules and rezilience tries to help type inference using variance annotations
  • Metrics: all policies (will) provide usage metrics for monitoring purposes
  • Composable: policies can be composed into one overall policy
  • Discoverable: no syntax extensions or implicit conversions, just plain scala



Further questions? Look for the #rezilience channel on the ZIO Discord:


Sonatype Nexus (Releases) Sonatype Nexus (Snapshots)

Add to your build.sbt:

libraryDependencies += "nl.vroste" %% "rezilience" % "<version>"

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