sovaalexandr / maxmind-geoip2-async   1.0.0

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Async API for MaxMind GeoIP2DB with db-file auto renewals

Scala versions: 2.12

MaxMind GeoIP2 Java API Database plugin

Build Status

This is a plugin to use MaxMind GeoIP2 Database to find out about geolocation of some particular IP address without constant calls to remote web services. This plugin supports:

  • Async concurrent interactions with DatabaseReader under the hood
  • Scheduled renewals of MaxMind database
  • Handles ETag and Last-Modified headers at cache to minimize impact onto outer service (where DB file is stored).

Plugin is built on top of Akka and is a set of actors where you can send message to ad get a response. It uses Akka Streams and Play! standalone ws to download and process DB file.


The first step is include the the dependency in your build.sbt file:

Case of Guice DI and Play! frameworks

scalaVersion := "2.12.4"

libraryDependencies += "com.github.sovaalexandr" %% "maxmind-geoip2-async-guice" % "1.0.0"

Module will be added automatically.


This plugins offers the following configurations:

geolocation {
  geoip2db {
    instances = ${"/geolocation-supervisor/geolocation".nr-of-instances} // How much IPs do you want to locate at a time
    dbUrl = "" // URL where to go for new DB file.
    dbFile = ${}"/GeoLite2-City.mmdb" // Place where to store DB Files. Directory must be writeable.
    download {
      dispatcherName = // Dispatcher which will execute all actions related to file download.
      headers {
        validFor: Inf // Plugin also stores ETag and Last-Modified headers at cache. This setting is FiniteDuration of that validity
    compression {
      type = GZIP // Usually GeoLite DB files are GZip-compressed. This setting'll decompress a file downstream.
      // Accepted options: GZIP, DEFLATE, NONE
      chunkSize = 64kB //${} - size of chunk to decompress. Set to AkkaStreams default.
    databaseFileProviderPersistenceId = "maxmind.geoip2db.database" // PersistenceId for DatabaseFileProvider actor. 

More in detail here: reference.conf

Code example:

You can see the full Playframework integration example at samples dir. This is an example of Play Scala controller injected with Guice:

class GeoScala @Inject()(cc: ControllerComponents, @Named("geolocation") geolocation: ActorRef, geoTemplate: Geo, errorTemplate: Error)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext) extends AbstractController(cc) {
  def getGeolocation(address: String): Action[AnyContent] = Action.async {
    implicit val timeout: Timeout = Timeout(5.seconds)
    Try(InetAddress.getByName(address)) match {
      case Success(inet) => (geolocation ? City(inet)).map({
        case r: CityResponse => Ok(geoTemplate(address, r, "Got this one:"))
        case AddressNotFound => NotFound(errorTemplate.render("MaxMind don't know where is it"))
        case Idle => PreconditionFailed(errorTemplate.render("Geolocation is warming-up. Maybe after restart or there is a file renewal. Try a bit later."))
      }).recover({case e:Throwable => BadRequest(errorTemplate.render(e.getMessage))})
      case Failure(e) => Futures.successful(BadRequest(errorTemplate.render(e.getMessage)))

And similar example of Play Java controller injected with Guice:

public class GeoJava extends Controller
    private final ActorRef geolocation;
    private final views.html.Geo geoTemplate;
    private final views.html.Error errorTemplate;

    public GeoJava(@Named("geolocation") ActorRef geolocation, views.html.Geo geoTemplate, views.html.Error errorTemplate)
        this.geolocation = geolocation;
        this.geoTemplate = geoTemplate;
        this.errorTemplate = errorTemplate;

    public CompletionStage<Result> getGeolocation(String address) {
        try {
            return ask(geolocation, City.apply(InetAddress.getByName(address)), 5000L)
                    .thenApply(location -> toResult(location, address))
                    .exceptionally(e -> badRequest(errorTemplate.render(e.getMessage())));
        } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
            return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(badRequest(errorTemplate.render(e.getMessage())));

    // ask returns Future[Object] so use this workaround to restrict a return type.
    private Result toResult(Object response, String address) {
        if (response instanceof CityResponse) {
            return ok(geoTemplate.render(address, (CityResponse)response, "Got this one:"));
        } if (response instanceof AddressNotFound$) {
            return notFound(errorTemplate.render("MaxMind don't know where is it"));
        } if (response instanceof Idle$) {
            return internalServerError(errorTemplate.render("Geolocation is warming-up. Maybe after restart or there is a file renewal. Try a bit later."));

        return internalServerError(errorTemplate.render("Something wierd have returned: "+response.getClass().toString()));

Feedback, suggestions, bug reports, code quality reviews and contributions are extremely appreciated. See details at CONTRIBUTING.