snowplow-incubator / sbt-snowplow-release   0.4.0


Snowplow's sbt plugins for common configuration across pipeline apps

Scala versions: 2.12
sbt plugins: 1.x

SBT Snowplow Release

SBT plugins to help build and release Snowplow pipeline applications. A place to store shared common configuration settings.


Add this to your project/plugins.sbt file:

addSbtPlugin("com.snowplowanalytics" % "sbt-snowplow-release" % "x.y.z")


Snowplow Docker Plugin

Configure a sbt project to publish a docker image, using Snowplow's standard settings, and using eclipse-temurin:21-jre-noble as the base image.

lazy val subproject = project

Snowplow Distroless Docker Plugin

Configure a sbt project to publish the "distroless" flavour of a Snowplow docker image. It uses Snowplow's standard settings, and using as the base image.

lazy val subproject = project


This plugin adds Iglu schema files to your project's managed resources. This is helpful if you use iglu-scala-client and you want the schemas to be fetched at compile time instead of run time.

Setting Default Description
igluUris (empty) The list of Iglu URIs required by the project
igluRepository The Iglu repository URL from which to fetch schemas
igluEmbeddedPrefix iglu-client-embedded The default is compatible with Iglu Scala Client's default location for an embedded repository

This example will fetch a schema from Iglu Central and add it to the test resources directory, under the path iglu-client-embedded/schemas/org.ietf/http_header/jsonschema/1-0-0.

Test / igluUris := Seq("iglu:org.ietf/http_header/jsonschema/1-0-0")