simkoc / scala-argparse   2.0.3


A python argparse inspired command line argument parser for scala

Scala versions: 2.13 2.12

scala argparse

A python argparse inspired library to parse command line arguments

Install using sbt

You need to add the dependency

    "de.halcony"                 %% "scala-argparse"                % "(version)"

as well as the resolver

resolvers ++= Seq(
    "Sonatype OSS Snapshots" at "",


import de.halcony.argparse._

def main(argv : Array[String]) : Unit = {
    val parser = Parser("example parser",
                        "this is the description for the example parser")
        .addPositional("positional-name",n => n.toInt, "positional description")
        .addOptional("optional-name",'o',"optional-long-parameter-name",identity[String],Some("default-value"),"the description")
        .addFlag("flag-name",'f',"flag-long-name","the description")
        .addDefault[<hereIsTheType]("default-value-name", defaultValueValue)
        .addSubparser(Parser("subparser-name","subparser description")
            /* and so on and so forth */
    val pargs = parser.parseArgv(argv.toList)
./program positional-value -o optional-value -f subparser-name .... 

There is a help flag that is triggered by -h/--help however this conflicts with the help flag of java itself, thus you need to adapt your cmd line call accordingly.

The hierarchy of parsers is flattened and the last (i.e., the deepest parser) takes precedent if multiple same (e.g., default values) are defined.