SBT plugin to show which projects are depend on a specific project in your multi-project build.
sbt plugin for the play auto-refresh.
sbt plugin to release to sonatype and push a changelog to aws when you run a build on a tagged commit
SBT autoplugin for publishing documentation to Gitlab Pages
MAVLink to Scala bindings generation plugin for SBT
An sbt plugin that facilitate the visualisation of the dependencies in Neo4j
Create small and simple refactoring tests for your REST service
SBT plugin for creating RiffRaff deployable artifacts
SBT plugin for Scala code generation for Play! Framework using Swagger 2.0 specs
Generate documentation from your Play application tests
Code generator for Play Framework, Controllers, Routes, etc.
Provides unofficial support for crashlytics on sbt
Jolokia support for any artifacts built with sbt-native-packager
An SBT plugin to compile Dustjs templates.
Deploy the play application using rsync
Plugin to integrate Cucumber and Cuke4Duke into XSBT
sbt-web plugin for minifying/compressing CSS assets
an sbt plugin to automaticaly launch mock services defined within a soapui project
sbt plugin for running JavaScript tests on the JVM with browser APIs