Interoperability libraries for Shapeless
The quickest way to add a JSON format to your Play project's case classes
Library for describing binary formats for Scala types
Gemfile.lock for sbt
Deploy Spark cluster in an easy way.
Pure-functional random value generation
ABANDONED Pure Scala serialization library with annotations
Vert.x 2.x is deprecated - use instead
Scala port of Paolo Capriotti's optparse-applicative library. This repository is no longer maintained; newer versions exist in this fork:
SBT plugin to collect information about project structure
PageRank in Spark
A JavaScript Engine Library - provides an abstract of a means to execute JavaScript code where no browser is involved.
Scala library for working with {tab,colon,semicolon,comma,pipe,etc}-separated files.
[DISCONTINUED] Reactive type-safe Scala driver for Neo4J
A Variant Caller, Distributed. Apache 2 licensed.
A library providing automated refactoring support for Scala.
TypeScript assets handling for Play 2.0. Compiles .ts files under the /assets dir along with the project.
Scala binding for ZeroMQ
Tiny Scala library to generate class files for the JVM