+22 field case class formatter and more for play-json
PostgreSQL plugin for Pekko Persistence
Functional and typesafe library to use git commands in Scala
ScalsJS Live Reload Plugin
Simplifies creating Alfred workflows using Scala 3.
distributed transactions for functional Scala
Golden Testing for ScalaTest (and maybe more?)
An Open Standard for lineage metadata collection
event bus / message queue integration
Simple utilities for use with Doobie JDBC library for Scala.
A performant, idiomatic MongoDB client backed by ZIO
Render to Twelf as a target lang. Library for use with the dc10-scalaq code generator.
Criteria4s is a simple DSL to define criteria and predicate expressions for any data stores by using Scala type class mechanisms in a type-safe
This repository contains the source code for the Topl-BTC-Bridge
Smithy4s extensions for the ZIO Ecosystem
Functional Scala library introducing human-friendly, typesafe prefixes for better human experience with universal/globally unique IDs.