reactivecore / usql   0.2.2

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usql - micro JDBC toolit for Scala 3

Scala versions: 3.x

usql micro JDBC toolkit for Scala 3

usql is a small jdbc wrapper to automate recurring patterns and to simplify writing SQL typical Actions in the age of direct style scala.

Note: this is Beta software. Only Postgres and H2 are supported yet (altough it's easy wo write more Profiles).


Add to build.sbt

libraryDependencies += "net.reactivecore" %% "usql" % "CURRENT_VERSION"

Replace CURRENT_VERSION with current version (e.g. 0.2.0)


  • No dependencies
  • Fast compile speed
  • Functional API
  • Extensible
  • SQL Interpolation
  • Simple CRUD (Create, Replace, Update, Modify) / DAO-Object generation for your case classes.


  • Not bound to effect system
  • No ORM
  • JDBC Only.
  • No Connection-Management, but easy to connect to HikariCP
  • No query validation (this should be done by testcases)
  • No DDL Generation

Supported Databases

  • BasicProfile supports basic types for most JDBC-Compatible Databases
  • H2Profile for H2
  • PostgresProfile for Postgres

The profiles can be incomplete, but should be easy to extend for your needs.

Prior Art

  • A lot of ideas are from Anorm
  • Magnum, quite similar but more advanced.


Also see the Example in

Connecting to a Database

To use usql you need to provide a given ConnectionProvider, this can be as easy as:

import usql.*
import usql.profiles.H2Profile.*

val jdbcUrl = "<your-jdbc-connection-url>"
given cp: ConnectionProvider with {
  override def withConnection[T](f: Connection ?=> T): T = {
    Using.resource(DriverManager.getConnection(jdbcUrl)) { c =>
      f(using c)

Simple Actions

sql"CREATE TABLE person (id INT PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT)"

Using Interpolation, which will be used as parameter for prepared statements

sql"INSERT INTO person (id, name) VALUES (${1}, ${"Alice"})"

sql"INSERT INTO person (id, name) VALUES (${2}, ${"Bob"})"

Queries and Interpolation

Simple Queries:

val all: Vector[(Int, String)] = sql"SELECT id, name FROM person".query.all[(Int, String)]()
val one: Option[(Int, String)] = sql"SELECT id, name FROM #${"person"} WHERE id = ${1}"[(Int, String)]()


// Single Insert
sql"INSERT INTO person (id, name) VALUES(?, ?)".one((3, "Charly"))

// Batch Insert
sql"INSERT INTO person (id, name) VALUES(?, ?)"
      4 -> "Dave",
      5 -> "Emil"

sql"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM person"[Int]().get
// is 5

Reusable Parts

You can concatenate sql parts:

val select      = sql"SELECT id, name FROM person"
val selectAlice = (select + sql" WHERE id = ${1}")[(Int, String)]()
println(s"Alice: ${selectAlice}")


This fails because of the duplicate entry with id 100, but at the end both are not inside:

Try {
  transaction {
    sql"INSERT INTO person(id, name) VALUES(${100}, ${"Duplicate"})".execute()
    sql"INSERT INTO person(id, name) VALUES(${100}, ${"Duplicate 2"})".execute()

Automatic DAO Objects

DAO (Data Access Objects) can be created using the base classes CrdBase and KeyedCrudBase.

They are using a helper description object called SqlColumnar and SqlTabular.

import usql.dao.*

case class Person(
   id: Int,
   name: String
 ) derives SqlTabular

object Person extends KeyedCrudBase[Int, Person] {
  override val keyColumn: SqlIdentifier = "id"

  override def keyOf(value: Person): Int =

  override lazy val tabular: SqlTabular[Person] = summon

println(s"All Persons: ${Person.findAll()}")

Person.insert(Person(6, "Fritz"))
Person.update(Person(6, "Franziska"))
println(Person.findByKey(6)) // Person(6, Franziska)

Core Types

  • DataType a type class which derives how to fetch a Type T from a ResultSet and how to store it in a PreparedStatement
  • ResultRowDecoder type class for fetching tuples / values from ResultSet
  • ParameterFiller type class for filling tuples / values into a PreparedStatement
  • SqlIdentifier an SQL identifier, quoted if necessary.
  • RawSql Raw SQL Queries
  • Sql interpolated SQL Queries

DAO Core Types

  • SqlColumnar describes the columns and codec for a case class T, macro generated
  • SqlTabular like SqlColumnar, but also contains a table name
  • Crd basic Create-Read-Delete operations
  • KeyedCrud Crd for single-keyed types