usql is a small jdbc wrapper to automate recurring patterns and to simplify writing SQL typical Actions in the age of direct style scala.
Note: this is Beta software. Only Postgres and H2 are supported yet (altough it's easy wo write more Profiles).
Add to build.sbt
libraryDependencies += "net.reactivecore" %% "usql" % "CURRENT_VERSION"
with current version (e.g. 0.2.0
- No dependencies
- Fast compile speed
- Functional API
- Extensible
- SQL Interpolation
- Simple CRUD (Create, Replace, Update, Modify) / DAO-Object generation for your case classes.
- Not bound to effect system
- No ORM
- JDBC Only.
- No Connection-Management, but easy to connect to HikariCP
- No query validation (this should be done by testcases)
- No DDL Generation
supports basic types for most JDBC-Compatible DatabasesH2Profile
for H2PostgresProfile
for Postgres
The profiles can be incomplete, but should be easy to extend for your needs.
Also see the Example in
To use usql you need to provide a given ConnectionProvider
, this can be as easy as:
import usql.*
import usql.profiles.H2Profile.*
val jdbcUrl = "<your-jdbc-connection-url>"
given cp: ConnectionProvider with {
override def withConnection[T](f: Connection ?=> T): T = {
Using.resource(DriverManager.getConnection(jdbcUrl)) { c =>
f(using c)
sql"CREATE TABLE person (id INT PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT)"
Using Interpolation, which will be used as parameter for prepared statements
sql"INSERT INTO person (id, name) VALUES (${1}, ${"Alice"})"
sql"INSERT INTO person (id, name) VALUES (${2}, ${"Bob"})"
Simple Queries:
val all: Vector[(Int, String)] = sql"SELECT id, name FROM person".query.all[(Int, String)]()
val one: Option[(Int, String)] = sql"SELECT id, name FROM #${"person"} WHERE id = ${1}"[(Int, String)]()
// Single Insert
sql"INSERT INTO person (id, name) VALUES(?, ?)".one((3, "Charly"))
// Batch Insert
sql"INSERT INTO person (id, name) VALUES(?, ?)"
4 -> "Dave",
5 -> "Emil"
sql"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM person"[Int]().get
// is 5
You can concatenate sql parts:
val select = sql"SELECT id, name FROM person"
val selectAlice = (select + sql" WHERE id = ${1}")[(Int, String)]()
println(s"Alice: ${selectAlice}")
This fails because of the duplicate entry with id 100
, but at the end both are not inside:
Try {
transaction {
sql"INSERT INTO person(id, name) VALUES(${100}, ${"Duplicate"})".execute()
sql"INSERT INTO person(id, name) VALUES(${100}, ${"Duplicate 2"})".execute()
DAO (Data Access Objects) can be created using the base classes CrdBase
and KeyedCrudBase
They are using a helper description object called SqlColumnar
and SqlTabular
import usql.dao.*
case class Person(
id: Int,
name: String
) derives SqlTabular
object Person extends KeyedCrudBase[Int, Person] {
override val keyColumn: SqlIdentifier = "id"
override def keyOf(value: Person): Int =
override lazy val tabular: SqlTabular[Person] = summon
println(s"All Persons: ${Person.findAll()}")
Person.insert(Person(6, "Fritz"))
Person.update(Person(6, "Franziska"))
println(Person.findByKey(6)) // Person(6, Franziska)
a type class which derives how to fetch a TypeT
from aResultSet
and how to store it in aPreparedStatement
type class for fetching tuples / values fromResultSet
type class for filling tuples / values into aPreparedStatement
an SQL identifier, quoted if necessary.RawSql
Raw SQL QueriesSql
interpolated SQL Queries
describes the columns and codec for a case classT
, macro generatedSqlTabular
, but also contains a table nameCrd
basic Create-Read-Delete operationsKeyedCrud
Crd for single-keyed types