Scala helper modules for operating the Apache Kafka client library (0.9.x - 2.1.0)
exploring scala
Library to aid usage of SNMP4J in Scala with a focus on Akka
Scalacheck's `Gen[T]` flexible configurator
Modern API for JGAP
sbt bom.xml exporter
Cats & ZIO ops made implicitly / convert cats.effect.IO to zio.ZIO / convert zio.ZIO to cats.effect.IO
Mules Cache Implemented via Redis
A tiny integration library between Natchez and Akka Http
Shared code among CAS-aware projects
Akka IO library in scala for serial ports based on jSSC.
Scala Excel Library
Base58 implementation based on scala with scalaz.\/
scala unit tools : durations and bytes size
An iterator-like collection library for doing Bing queries in Scala.
Utilities for representing genomic loci and reference-genomes
A pure, typeful, idiomatic Scala wrapper around JSoup. (Fork of danielnixon/scalasoup)