SBT plugin that adds necessary compiler options to your SBT project (Disclaimer: the list of added compiler options is highly opinionated).
Add this plugin to your project and the compiler options will be added automatically to your project:
addSbtPlugin("com.github.janjaali" % "scala-compiler-options" % "1.6.0")
You can print out the compiler options that are added to your project:
sbt printCompilerOptions
This repository contains test projects in ./test, one for each minor Scala version. The test projects are used to "integration" test this plugin while developing.
Organize imports by using liancheng/scalafix-organize-imports:
sbt scalaFixAll
Format source code by using scalameta/scalafmt:
sbt scalafmtAll
Update plugin version references in
and this README -
Git commit and push latest changes (including version bump)
Publish plugin
sbt publishSigned
Tag version
git tag -a v1.4.0 -m "Release version 1.4.0."
Create new GitHub release from tag