Scala Library for Reading Flat File Data (CSV/TSV/XLS/XLSX)
Send Gatling logs to Elasticsearch
A Scala library to create RxScala observables and observers from Kafka consumers and producers
a scala growl client that purs
Executable Apache Spark Tools: Format Converter & SQL Processor
Flyway bindings for
An sbt plugin to create annotations for the Github UI when sbt is run in Github Actions
Repeat sbt command many times
A Scala.js facade for the bootstrap-datepicker library
Circe encoder/decoder implementation for ADT/JSON for Scala 2
A lightweight Scala AMQP client
A pure functional wrapper around NuProcess using fs2
A minimalistic dependency injection micro-library
Installs puppet modules recursively
unix domain sockets that look just like tcp sockets
Ciris Source for Hocon file format
Proof of concept of a "linker plugin" enabling some reflection for Scala.js
Auto-fixing error due to version upgrade, good practice etc.
[deprecated]dotty version of paradise for interfacing with scala.meta
simple http server