Common build configuration for SpartanZ libraries
A client for the acquisitions value calculator
Models for communicating with the Apps Rendering API
Scala helper modules for operating the Apache Kafka client library (0.9.x - 0.11.x)
Library for http-based ConnId connectors
A Scala micro library for moving values to and from strings
An utility for optimal writing of aggregated Kinesis Stream Records composed of User Records to a Kinesis Stream.
Functions to facilitate compound sorting strategies by composing sort comparators
A simple Lisp-Style protocol for communication
The Opinionated RabbitMQ Library for Scala and Akka
Provides GeoSpark UDFs functionality to Arc.
A generic scala component for anonymizing data
Generate OAuth 1.0a signature using HMAC-SHA algorithm in Scala
Json/Protobuf convertors for ScalaPB use play-json
Provides KafkaExtract, KafkaLoad and KafkaCommitExecute stages
ArangoDB implementation of the backend datastore for DART
Implementations of TimeProvider and UUIDProvider for use in tests.